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WOMEN Selling end Non Selling Positions avail able now until Christmas ull time arid part time INTERVIEWING 10 am noon 2 pm 4 pm Monday thru riday I ADAM CO Employment Office 9th loor Send your resume to Lucas CELANESE CORPORATION AMERICA PO Box 444 Cumberland Maryland Automobile Automobiles jAutomobiUs Personals 55 Help Wanted emale Help Wanted emale Carting and Moving Help Male wln EMPLOYMEN1 EXPERIENCED hospital payroll clerk rAt 7(HMh 1 ACCOUNTANTS who SALE '5 Motorcycles Bicycles 'Ct CHEVROLET Mr Ton Par 1 Kinai finish solid body a $2895 Tilde At the Big ANNOUNCEMENTS Auction Sales Lost and ound CAR £503 MA 9158 I jf Sat H2 I jf for day person at KLEPER BROS BUALO'S BIG BUICK DEALER 1575 Main St GA 8000 GILLOGLY USdD TRUCK in a rapidly expanding company Moog Valve Co Inc Seneca St Jamison Rd East Aurora CLERK Apply tn person i '4H PLYMOUTH 55 super deluxe 4 door Clean radio 3 speakers) heater g0Od hPpe throughout EXECUTIVE SECRETARY? for Lancaster girl only salary open Thoma Employment Delaware Court Bldg 111 West Chippewa IMO S2NL PONTIAC 1952 Chieftain Deluxe 4 door automatic transmission radio and heat? er tires like new let black with cus tom Interior Th! 1 owner car la an excellent buy tor only 3795 and ex change South Park Lfnroln Mercurv 235 South Park WO 7212 Open 9 to ft ve NASH H65V 8 Sedan ultramatic hlft radio many extra in like new condi tion si Hudson Rambler 220 DeL svare BE 7210 "Good Jobs Looking for Good Giris" We work 5 days 373ll hours week with paid vacation and are closed 11 holidays Pleasant at tractive surroundings A perma nent secure position with a grow ing national company Your ad vancement can be rapid! Liberal benefits Call MO 4510 or come iri and see Miss Rogers at 190 Delaware Ave Both RAMBLER 1953 Station Wagon radio heater just traded on new 1957 Ram bler 375 75 down 8 weekly Hudson Rambler 2720 Dela ware BE 7230 INVOICE TYPIST 40 hour wieek Call A 0110 ext 23 i OLDS1956 98 Holiday 4 door light blue? perfect conditionDeluxe radio front and rear covers electric windows power steerinx power brakes Will accept any reasonable offer Can be seen at 1024 Amherst 4 DODGE Utility plu i'SJ take notlce INVESTIGATORS 22 30 US gradu ates with good handwriting Sherry Personnel 30g Walbridge Bldg DELAWARE EMPLOYMENT CONIDENTIAL RIENDLY SERVICE SECRETARIES: Excellent opportuni ties 5ft X5 depending exp and qualifications Kenmore area 55 modern office near Central Ter minal 300 benefits 1 East Side to 85 responsibility eifp STENOS: Shorthand or! dictaphone30 advancement opportunities TYPISTS: No exp will train 50 CASHIER: Kenmore are 145 3055 Delaware ri sms Open dally 9 5 Open Tues Thur Eves 9: Sat 9 12 ILE CLERK High school graduate able to type ex cellent opportunity paid vacations paid holidays many other benefits rontier Oil Refining Co MO 3220 '55 RAMBLER Deluxe Sedan Nearly new completely equipped $1297 51gantlc Trade Allowance at Moulder Motors) IMPERIAL PLYMOUTH 377 Delaware' Tonawanda LU 3560 OPEN EVES ADVERTISING PRODUCTION ASSISTANT i If you are looking for 5 place In advertising produo tion work here i a fine op portunity for a young man with at least a high school education Mustibe capable' of doing layouts Excellent conditions Write for personal interview glv ing' full details end phon number to Box 444 Courier Express 5 i GENERAL OICE steady: full tim experienced preferred Call for inter view MA 0512 I RROWN nlwiivii nava inn clean ears iSec Don Manley Brown Jamestown NY wiuLur naira LJvriawart? uzj ioj RECEPTIONIST An excellent position 1 available for a young lady preferably experienced in office routine or receptionist duties Typing ability necessary Ideal working conditions excellent fringe benefits MEDICAL RECORDS clerk typist ma ture experienced supervise 4 small li brary 5 days 2930 year advancement Welton Bureau 1001 Walbridge Bldg MULTILITH operator needed! Immedi ately for temporary job Apply Man power Inc 911 Walbridge BJdg MA 7538 37 ORD 4 Ton frJ! Panel rrr) ORD 8 Tractor rri ORD fl Van I body zrz DODGE (Step In' DRATSMEN Celanese has positions available for competent draftsmen with st least two industrial experience Starting salaries at Celaness ar based upon individual qualification and are supplemented by a liberal benefit pro gram which Includes group insurance pension and a profit sharing plan Cumberland Maryland located In the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains offers an opportunity to combine ideal Hying condition with your work situ ation Good schools churches and rec reational facilities are available in abundance I LIKE IKE Picture Tie kA I oacs guarantee So Park A 1882 1 Urbanski 14 Grant St Perth Amboy TINNEY Stiff Only Cadillac Dealer 2421 tfAIN PA 5003 ILE CLERK general office work high school graduate beginner accepted45 week to start Call BE 2038 LADY 35 50 to manage dry cleaning store Kenmore Section no experience necessary good pay while training Apply Monday 8 am till noon Cadet Cleaners 3062 Delaware at Kinsey LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES Write PO 355 North Tonawanda PACKARD 195a 4 Door Clipper Deluxe actory new Not a demonstrator in ished in attractive apple green equip ped with Packard's famous ultramatic drive heater de' ester electric clock direction slgni? Stone green nylon custom Interior Save 1000 on this Brnecker Motors 20c! South Park Onen evening's 11 in '55 PONTIAC Star Chief Catalina Hard Top 2 Door Radio heater hydramatic power steering power brakes white wall tires custom Sall leather in terior two ane finish Sherwood green dover white very sharp Was $2295n Now $2150 ACTION NOW EARN EXTRA MONEY I as never before finest Hne I of greeting card at your finger tip I Why buy out of town when there are 1 over 100 Items to choose from Up to st Prosnsrt 71S samples on approvaiim ree pkp KjSVllSfn? WhttJUInlTN Com? 1 Doran line of white Plains NY Come I write phone Open Sat until 2 PM Service Part mt tu kl Miiiicu vneciing uiii iwuiwi a 52 Pearl St near Seneca St MA 1002 MAIL CLERKS high school graduates 17 19 years downtown 5 days 4O 43 Burnham Agency T13 Brisbane Bldg MEDICAL SCIENTIIC labosatory as sistant for research laboratory Salary according to education and experience Call or write Buffalo General Hospital Buffalo 3 su 5GO0 Ext 813 EARN EXTRA MpNEY ull or part time Big profits Sell Personal Christmas Cards 25 for 150 up with name Samples free Also 30 beautiful box assortments! Gift Wrap pings Xmas novelties CaJ or write CYPHERS CARD CO 75 Huron St Buffalo EDI PHONE OPERATOR ar will train good typist 5 day week i Write Box 209 Courier Express 5 ELEVATOR OPERATOR Steady post tion must be neat appearing age 25 40 Apply in person only 994 Broadway PACKARD 1954 late Pacific hard top Grey and black red leather Interior power steering and brakes new tires Must see and drive to appreciate value Like new original owner call EL Mil PACKARD 1953 Custom Clipper Se dan brand new tires ultramatic radio clean spotless upholstery not a mark or serstch anywhere 795 down (9 weekly Palmer's Hudson Rambler 2720 Delaware RE 7230 INSURANCE fire dept polity writer and rate checker Experience helpful immediate opening excellent oppor tunity 5 day week employed benefits centrally located downtown MA 4325 Home insurance Co I YltTVtW tv iijIj i Marino hodv rinlvY maculate? i mechanically! A 1 rrr CHEVROLET UTon less original finish in iierior immaculate rr GMC iMr Ton Pick I conditioned original throughout MAID for general housework 'fend cook ing 3 adults good wages good homeR 049 I IS ON A BUYING SPREE JtMES INGLIS ather! name Geo cS i oep Mr pnester Sistec Mary Ellwell 17 Manor Pkwy COMPTOMETER OPERATOR by llatge Il I a Rochester 20 bread baking Company Good working JERGE MOTORS SUSIE: I love you more arid more Apply Personnel 11 Buffalo Qldest ord 1 Dealer (everyday since you bought that Plym ougeron St or call TA 164 Genesee fr2m Sheihan Motors DtSOto 2WX Monday thru riday MA ER SCHULE GMC INC 2 ARM WOMAN light housework and help with semi lhvaJid good home and wages live In Box 212 (Courier Ex press 5 ILE CLERK TYPIST under 35 year ft days 262 month nice future down town Welton Bureau 1001 Walbridge Bldg area emale Instructed Switchboard TRAIN ON LIVE BOARDS IN 1 WEEK! saleswomen REE PLACEMENT SERVICE ull or part time for direct sales Can be presently employed in thi field lorence Utt Switchboard Schoo Our line Is non confllctlng I 807 Lafayette Bldg MO 87BI PERSONAL SERVICE INC unngs 10 me mooern woman everyoay I rmivr uivrriorriorn necessities delivered direct to her I A EADLNG MANUACTURER of home by our own delivery service If PPir1 Has an unusual saes you are a good aggressive sale per I 0P college trained man on who Is tired of i trying to sell merchandise which Is not ot necessity background In either whole nd would like to represent an sggres 1 ott good Applicant Iv merchandising organization with I jnust be willing to travel la parts of the opportunity for an excellent in 1 New York State end ennsylvgnl come and advancement apply 51 Great where established retail account are Arrow or phone VI 7177 for appoint 1 already providing good volume and be ment between 9 am pm I willing to relocate Competustlon 1 I dependent upon background and pre SALESWOMAN 25 40 special 6 weeks cosmetics promotions starting Nov 23 guarantee Will earn to 125 Sherry Personnel 306 Walbridge Bldg I 52C rcdulrement to Box 454 Courier OR SUPERVISOR Instructor Instru ment nurses Immediate opening in air conditioned 4 room OR Suite Ex panding 224 bed JCAH approved general hospital School oft Nursing State approved and Temporarv NLN accredited Excellent personnel poli cies Contact Director of Nursing St Luke's Hospital Newburgh PART TIME CLERICAL heflp Must type Hours 10 am to 2 pjn 5 day week 1 per hour SO 3309 1 PERSONNEL TYPIST will he respon slble for maintaining personnel rec ords and perforrnlng various clerical duties high school graduate over 18 rears old Apply American Standard Bond Plant 87 Rano St PERSONNEL CLERK Some dictaphone and general office West Side 5 davs53 57 Burnham Agency 715 Brisbane Bldg INDUSTRIAL CAETERIA And i CANTEEN WORKERS ull time openlrig on 1st arid 2nd shifts and a few part time! day jobs available In several of our Cafeteria in the Buffalp and areas We are looking for experienced women lo fill positions as counter girl and dishwasher Good stapling wage auto matic increases shift differential paid holidays and vacation employee bene fits Opportunity for advancement Interviews will be held Monday Tues day and Wednesday between 9 am 4 pm at 604 Sidway Bldg Main Goodell Sts Buffalo PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON Cease Commissary SERVICE INC Dunkirk '54 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe 4 Door Radio heater hydramatic $1395 Culligan Motors 611 1 Main Williamsville PL 4282 TYPIST htjrh school graduate with or without experience 5 day week Op 1 1 vv XLza atlYaHC' 111111 APPIj Xao 1 Seneca St Openings with Celanese are also svsll tv'dict Afirnir I recent graduate Accountants PIST CLERK with knowledge of I in cost and general accounting Al bookkeeping experience necessary 5 though one to two experience day week ruehauf Trailer Co 61 may be helpful It Is not necessary TYPIST CLERK General Motor Ac ceptance Corn 60 East Amherst St has openings In CredltiDepartment for cap able typist between age 19 28 years od starting salary plu cost of living nus Opportunity for advancement liberal employee benefit 5 day work week excellent working conditions Call Miss Krlz WI 4000 for appolnt ment WAITRESS experienced refined for high type restaurant Lunch hours Sat ar Sun off Call Circle 2101 10 am till noon only for Jafco Marine Bar ami Restaurant WAITRESS for all shifts Apply in person only st 97 illmore Ave or 342 Pearl St Only Cadillac Dealer 2421 MAIN PA 5003 PONTIAC 1953 2 door Chieftain fully equipped radio heater direc tional signals' back up lights sun hood and hydramatic transmission excellent 2 tone green finish snd spotless Inte rior mechanically perfect a beauty at only S695 and your old car No cash needed financing arranged on lot1 Smiling Jack 2237 i South Park Ave WO 7757 PONTIAC 1953 8 Chieftain deluxe 4 door original gun metal grey finish radio heater hydramatic white wall tires fender shields rear speaker low mileage and very clean Inside and out ull price 1195 Villa Pontiac 280(1 Bailey UN 3900 P0NTIACS 1954 Phil Amlgona Pon tlac newest dealer iUsed car lot Is empty 0 name your own deal to make a deal yourjway Abbott Rd and Mo Kinley Pkwy SO 1414 '56 NASH Rambler Super Cm Country Station Wagon radio hiater hydramatic blue ana white di! ven 8000 miles 'vtf Trade Accepted Teana to Sult Your Purs CuWgari Motors 1 61 1 1 Main Williamsville PL 4282 you have had general business ex perience i i you are a qualified accountant or bookkeeper 4 you have executive! ability you are desirous of 'growing with a progressive firm you feel you can qualify CALL WAj2889 THE EMULSQ CORP 301 Ellicott St Jewett near Main UN 8383 Lockport 330 West Ave Phone 3 2549 '54 PLYMOUTH 2 Door Radio and heater? $895 READ MdTOR CO' 5661 Main WILLI AMS VILLE PL 5000 Years a ord Dealer Open Every Eve "Til 9 iMERCUYS 9 to choose from This Includes 2 door and doors Standard and automatic ahlft radio am heater 2 tone paint and whlte wsl ttre Priced to sell from295 fintnclng arranged bv to suit your pun Trade cheerfully accepted South fsrk Lincoln Mercury 2365 South Park WO 7212 open 9 to 9 pm MERCU1Y 1951 2 Door with over yfiyc ratio' heater many extra Onlv395 no money down winterized Phil Amlgone Motor 283 Southside SO 1414 Orel eves METHO1OL1TAN 1954 Coupe nw' ear eondtlon 40 mile per gallon full equipped 795 Hudaon Ram bier 2720 Delaware 7230 $1000 At this Big TINNEY ilERCUEY 1950 Club Coupe Has a ia lustrous i tone green finish with match ing covers A beauty only 335 5 down eat Lakes Motor Corp 2710 an n(Tth of Amherst AM 2866 MERCUIYS" 1956 Demonstrators 1 Monfclal) 4 Door 1 Monterey Hard Top 1 Moors these cars are loadedwith acQssories Why not loin the family at these tremendoua savings Cost you no more than late model car tn any class fully guar antecd South Park Llncoln Mercurv 3365 Sou ft Park WO 7212 open 9 to 9 ptn 1 1 I A Newj Deni I I KTRCHMEYER motors 1 We Will Pbv More or Your Car 1 Ari i rS 392 Kenmore lAve ALLEN PACKARD INC wlilapay top 'dollar for yoqi Delaware Rl: 0313 Johnson outboard motor Call BILLING CLERK illmore area 50 George uroan vo I Dlctanhone Onerator downtown: PaV GMp Diesel tractor 1952 completely 2 I KJ1 Clerk reconditioned 1800 Phonei Circle 014 I IW Thompson Dapstrake 25 Evin I illmore i 1 rudff electric remote controls wind 1 1 Operator IBM 1 yr expl SH4 Internationa 1Q55 Station Wagon 1550 shield1 top etc new TUtbed trailer I Thomas Employnent Delaware Court Chevrolet 1952 Step In $1350 I EM 1 3792 after 4 pm jBldg Ill West Chippewa MO 2285 1951 Staked 5955 18 I runabout outboard motorboat BOOKKEEPER CLERKS under 40 11 voTTir I tl1 8 1854 Johnson 25 hp motor years experienced 5 days 6r week International KB 8 tractor 575 I BA 6723 advancement Bailey Clinton Welton INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO Bureau 1001 Walbridge Bldg 2335 illmore Avp ANNOUNfMMT? I secretary stenft ex i wwwnvzmtnu perlenced 1 girl office 5 week ri gertsvllle Welton Bureau looi Wal STEPHENS Auction Sales bridge Bldg I H'ip'Ao BUALO PLACEMENT SERVICE COMMRC'IAI every Rtnos typists bookkeeping clerks UpUVyiKVJALi Sst top wages 562 Ellicott gq MO 8011 lasrb ite' sale wUI the :30 750 near7 Hmiob $245 Whitesvine Rd" SMO IU RH17 I sales will be held day time after this I CLERK TYPISTS 18 40 wide choice po tT4t lone!) be selling our usual top sitions and throughout city 9 riO dairy stock and a herd of 30 I enced 'O 623O beginners? 4A If you have cattle to consign or sell I Robt Green Employment! 207 CO 1 ca11 us 7or Information and Lafayette Bldg I Xjy3 I HLtPnd thli a1a 1 Nil MYCm SWY ft a "T7s hair coloring company to caU on estab llshed retail and wholesale accounts I Halloran Placement MO 310 In Buffalo and area Excellent oppor 1 i tunny icr woman wiu sales experience who Is willing to work and want a worth while career Successful nnvaf 171 i 1 fviiw 1 training In New York City during require services of qualified young which time a salary will be paid fhotel men age 28 or under for following expenses also paid while in New York) I Positions: training salary will be 7O per I ik week plus commission and expenses ACCOUNTS PAYARI Cl PPIf This Is a 5 day week job with oppor cM kJUIN IO rATADLC LCKK tunltles or interview writ Mr I fCltT fl Pk' Schrader Box 452 Courier Express 5 UJI yxcKN SALESWOMEN JABTINL A I ftr rood promotional temporary iob for you at the portunltlaa and employee Wm Hengerer Co rail or part time I No experience nceetaary Apply Employ 1 in ni ri i A ment Office 9:80 axm pm CH 465 MAIN ST 7100 212 i HENS KELLY are accepting appli cations for sales and non selling po sitions Apply Personnel office floor INCREASE Income show friends lovely handkerchiefs Easy sales repeat Ex perience unnecessary Liberal percent age No risk offer Exclusive oppor tunity Schmid Co Dept 21 Kingston i Your Best Bet or TRANSMISSION REAR ENDS RERTTTTT (IB TTSn Main St st DELAVAN AUTO PARTS INC I si 605 Delavan Av HU 8313 Auto Service Evi attrac rd radio many extras Was845 now 725 75 down 8 weekly WarerBEI7230?" ub Sedan A smart looking car throughout like its performance Drive it! Only 885 Great Jake Motor Corp 2710 Main north of Amherin AM norm I ANY EXTRA NICE I DRAWS MORE MONEY AT yiUMS 2JJO UMAWAKK ue1Tr)Ir 22 ChirlakaVar I uioL i 'a uitn 1 1 1 io i jvr general nice Stuaebaker rOST 1p hound 7TT work Good salary to start with future near Takevtew Tnd Calt Particulars money for Smith Rds Reward Phona collect 7 AX 1 5 PONTIAC 1953 Convertible red leaOwr A throughout Must sell now GA 5416 PONTIAC 1955 Chief Deluxe Strato Liner Convertible with automatic transmission powersteering power brakes radio heater white side wall tires 2 tone paint Only 2195 South Park Lincoln Mercury i 2365 South Park WO 7212 open 9 to 9 pm PONTIAC 1955 2 door equipped with radio heater directional signals back up lights and automatic transmission a dazzling 2 tone turquoise blue and black finish Interior like new 5 new white walls very low mileage miss this one at 1595 snd your old car No cash needed financing arranged on lot Smiling i Jack 2237 South Park Ave WO 7757 '56 MERCURY Monterey Station Wagon ully equipped 8 passenger looks like nev $3295 GILLEN MOTORS UNCOLN MERCURY I 3445 Delaware DE14J7 Open eves STATISTICAL ASSISTANT To assist In market research and other statistical work in the advertising field Process inn i a vex uses vss 1 4JIV 1 diUK IBUUILTB Jkpvp 1 Jpg information file help In preparing! An I nrll ictr if I I Of material for presentation tvping arid 11100511101 SUae zeneral secretarial duties Some train 1 i ng or experience In statistical work de xz IA r1 sirable Advanced training In math or I ()tt6S YOU A ohOTS shorthand not required Age 21 25 I i i single preferred Downtown location 1 5 day week Large long established In Itc ititir a firm' Phone Mr ltzmorrls CL 53531 If ITS I UTUlC after 1t am I statistical typists experienced I Celanese Corporation? of 'Amer 5 days 60 week downtown other ira Cumberland lATarvland in tvpist clerks week up Welton vumoeriana (Maryland in Bureau moi Walbridge Bldg vites you to investigate these stenographer clerk national con employment opportunities: cere 40 hour week paid vacation other 1 MECHANICAL perlence excellent opportunity 5 days irr nr salary open employer will pay fee I tlxGllNEERo Burnham Agency 715 Brisbane Bldg I I CHEMICAL ENGINEERS i1? A CHEMISTS PONTIAC 1951 Chieftain Deluxe hard top hydramatle radio heater white walls etc A sharp looking car that is a real bargain Only! 545 Great Lakes Motor Corp 2710 Main north of Am herst AM 2866 '56 RONTIAC I Star Chief 4 D6or Hard Top Complete and with electric dows and way seat Save STENOGRAPHER some experience pre trred 40 hour week modern office benertts Apply Transamerlcan reight Lines 40 Carolina St WOJI7545 STENOGRAPHER 25 40 Experienced downtown office established firm 5 dqv A vs valve WvawIIam Co Oak No Division or call MO 5000 Openings are now available in Quality Control and Process and Product De TENOGRAPHER Insurance agency velopment ccellent opportunity good salary and I conditions fire policy Whether you as a Chemical Engineer Cs1 LU I may qualify for a position in develop 4 38 after BR 4495 I I ment of new and better production STENO for purchase dept 25 4 a years I methods of cellulose compounds or as 5 days 308 month nice I a Mechnlcal Engineer In develop future other attractive openings $33 I ment of better of extrusion t0 week Welton Bureau JOOl Wal of newly marketed synthetic fiber bridge Bide I nr in further evaluation of existing I fibers and processing! equipment you' STOCK CONTROL CLERK under 45 I will find satisfaction II in solving the years 5 days 44 week Maln Utlca I many challenging problems Inherent Welton Bureau loot WSlbrldge Bldg in a complex process! which Involves RU'lTCKRruan apcp numerous operations iv Similar ichal irte 1 wth tJP I lenges await the Analytical snd Or 40 hour week I ganta Chemists who are needed for n1trstlUzacM211reaaT I7 Pecll non routlne analyses and for Rettery Starter Co Inc UN 2600 I developing laboratory methods for bet TRAINEES IBM Department high Jer control of hlghest quallty products school graduate alert girl ISeneca St which we maintain our Industry 5 days 50 advancement! Burnham I leadership is Agency 715 Brisbane Bldg mcT A growing progressive organization T5 PI ST high starting rate steady such ss we have require professionally Apply National Aniline Div (trained personnel who can grow with lOp South Park Ave 5 I us Th Management Development TYPISTS Credit Dent math antituOe I Program at Celanese will enable you d4wntown 5 days nice telephone per untnd vour 1U1 sqnallty 7o 55 Burnham Agency 715 rechedyoUr m8Xmut) potential is Brisbane Bldg reacnea ACCOUNTANTS SALESWOMAN WANTED must need to earn up to 60 per week We give full training car necessary or inter View nhona DE before 10 iJn SALESWOMEN flexible house Part manwr poten tlme no canvassing collecting or de 1 rLi1lar7 liveries good weekly pay check Car I wlest aumwa necessary for hours you plan your I wuppewa MO work (Sarah Coventry) or Inter I view appointment phone EL 8962 ACCOUNTING division personnel ex SALES POSITION In book dept of cepUpnal opportunities for young men college book store typing advantageous 21 35 who are looking for a secure book knowledge not necessary but I 8P" uture leading to uper helpful age 25 35 years extra insur 1 JP8J'8frnenL positions ance benefits paid by employer Write I bookkeeping Box rnnrirKinru business school accounting or college t) eourlerY'xpreyY accounting major Good starting salaA SEAMSTRESS for drapery work room 5 day week 87H hours paid vacations jiand and power machine work 5 day I group life and hospitalization Insurance week Apply Adam Co Em 1 retirement plan Apply in person Rm ployment Office 9th floor Monday Ington Rand 465 St through riday SECRETARIAL POSITION available AD BOOK MATCHES how until Christmas experience neces yuU 0 Pirt rim Selling ary Possibility of becoming perma nent 5 dav week employe discounts' Show our 214 page Portfolio otselllng Apply Adam i Co Employment I 'Jpl8lU Oftlca flrK hnnr Mnndav thrniiffR ri I Plan (you take part too) for BIG cash' Ptflce Bin floor Monday tnrougn proflt Datiy Commiaslon1 HUlblllle Glamour Girls Safety Series! Union SECRETARY STENO 25 35 years ex Label! Everyone hot perlence 70 week up advancement I prospect Master Outfit REE! WRITE also secretary steno assistant book TODAY! keeper 5 days to 65 week advance I SUPERIOR MATCH CO 1082 E7th SL ment Bailey Clinton Welton Bureau Chicago 49 Ill 1 not Walbridge Bldg 11 SECRETARY Personnel assistant un der 30 6 days 65 75 stenographer general clerical downtown 5 days L65 870 Burnham Agency 715 Brisbane lldg SECRETARY 25 45 to plant superin tendent shorthand not required pro duction charts Inventory South Side ft days to 65: secretary no shorthand advertising office 'downtown 5 days55: secretary no shorthand pleasant 1 glrl office Kensington Bailey 35 60: secretary alert some dictation small office Bailey Clinton 5 days 9 5 35 65 secretary 80 40 shorthand lightrood telephone manner 1 glrl office Rillcott Sq 6 days 225 250 Robt Greene Employment 207 Lafayette Bldg SECRETARIES Black Rock 75 South Buffalo 75 downtown law office good salary Seneca St 55: stenog raphers many openings all sections i to 60 switchboard operator No I A KI Yf Pi KIT't Tonawanda 50 Sherry Personnel zLCLLCIN I OKKATOBS OPPORTUNITY Singer mending machines day shift re vw Apply In person at 551 Smith St I Bre pf age SNELLING SNELLING 220 DELAWARE AVE Open Dally 9 5 Wed 7 VRGEST MOST COMPREHENSIVE i AGENCY IN THE NATION COSTOMER SERVICE REP: Detail260 SECY: Personnel work 268 325 SECY: Shorthand high type 200 1 CLERK TYPIST: Young oppr 216 RECEPTIONIST: Personnel tme 1 80 WQMEN NOW EMPLOYED! Have that extra money for a Marry Christmas Just by showing excit ing gift catalogue to your fellow work era Call MA 4417 or UN 456X YOUNG GIRL or woman to care for 1 children Live In or out Must like so nsvy housework uB WI 4284 PONTIAC 1956 th best deal' you ever made plu friendly and liberal service 8 decades of fair dealing Villa Pontiac 2800 Ballev UN 3900 PONTIAC 1954 This is the big one the Star Chief Custom and equipped with dual range hydramatic power steering power push button radio heater defrosters white wall tires baqk up lights and turn in dicators lustrdhs 2 tone lacquer flhlsh snd absolutely immaculate Inside: looks sounds and handles like new Stop in tonight drive It and convince yourself Jerge Motors Oldest ord Dealer 1647 Genesee I 3909 PONTIAC 1953 8 cyIInder 2 door fully equipped with radio and heater shiny dark metallic green finish chrome wheel discs very clean Inside and out for Chevrolets 2210 Delaware Iyl1 2332 open every evening PONtlAC 1955 2 Door ivory A green fully equipped one owner 1795 'Mc Intosh Motors Inc Oldest DeSoto Dealer 267 Bailey HU 1366 RAMBLER 1935 2 door station wagon radio standard shift like new condi tion 1095 145 down 11 wklv Hudson Rambler 2720 ware BE 7230 STUDEBAKER' 1950 4 door Champion Deluxe radio heater overdrive turn signals back up lights new seat covers original paint etc A 1 body and en glne original owner SP 7460 STUDEBAKERS 1956 8 2 door and 4 doors Some with automatics Save up to 700 Liberal trades and allow ances Auto Sales 2301 Main open every night 9 WI aano STUDEBAKER 1058 Starline Hard Top Sport Coupe powerful a engine auto matic transmission wheel discs beau tiful two tone blue finish' This type car is getting more popular all the time low smart and sportv looking795 for Chevrolets 22 to Dela ware HI 2332 open every evening STUDEBAKER 1953 Commander 5 pss senger Coupe ully: equipped tone automatic transmission must be seen to be appreciated Zapfel Bros Inc 2633 Genesee st Harlem HU 2964 STUDEBAKER 1953 Champion Sport Coupe original paint It Is spotless In side and out 795 1 Andy Rogers Studebaker Sale 2971 7 Delawsr Av open ve 9 STUDEBAKER 1955 Champion Sport Loupe radio beater and overdrive on owner car only 1595 Boeers Studebaker Sales Delaware Ave open' eve 9 A 1 I i i i i uuqj UrCSS (let BETTER USED CARS at lower prices 1 store Reward GR 6181 a A rb ii 4 a I 31 A UUKCp CXC411IIVIC Dealers 2971 (Delaware Ave MAN" Miner for the best deal on Oldsmobile for the cleanest used cars In twn sold with a new car deal guarantee that counts "Olds Miner 1IB5 Main LI 7500 open eves OLDSMOBILES fine selection like new Rcrket engine models low cost terms Yu get more at Tunmore Olds moblle 3B77 Delaware OLDSMOBILE 1956 Deluxe Holl day radio heater hvdramatlc power steering power brakes white wall tires many extras beautiful spe cial paint bronze and beige with deo luxe gold and brown Interior new car guarantee 2993 Ballard Olds mobile 200 South Park WOt mo open every nite except Sat Sun OLDSMOBILE 1954 4 Door Se dan original 2 tone grey power steer ing power brakes radio heater hy dramatic whitewall tires low mileage1800 417 Woodstock Ave Tona WI WAITRESS for all shifts Apply in at lUmor Ave or 342 Pearl St WOMAN for shirt laundry In dry cleaning plant experience helpful but not necessary week good start ing Py Apply Central Dry Cleaners 165 West Utica between Elmwood and Delaware a3TlP51 Rambler hardtop nice throughout Must sell nowl GA 6416 NASH 1152 Statesman Custom Sedan radio heiter an excellent car through out in condition See It Only 4755 down Grept Lakes Motor Corp 2710 Main noxhaf Amherst AM 2S66 NASH U5L' Rambler Hardtop nice throughoit Must sell now GA 541fe NASH 1S2 Statesman 4 Door recon ditioned nd very clean Radio heater full equfpnent 545 Ballard? Oldsmoblh 2600 So Park WO mo open eveiy nite except Sat Sun NASH 1)56 Rambler Super Cross Country Hation Wagon radio heater hydramatc blue and white driven 8000 mil Trades accepted terms to lult your purse Culllgan Mo tor 6111 Main Williamsville PL 4282 '56 Oldsmobile SuS'er Door Hard Top With ndio and heater hydra matic 3 tone green LOST WnV PfT ar ri CASH I I ware erry district reward GR Highest Prices Paid for Low Mileage I 1 Cars iAny Year or Make wrist watch (inOv Military Motors 2515 Delaware (Bflo edge and Dun lop? re cll RT TWIN COACH BA 3603 or QA 8419 WILL the person who picked up 2 BON ALLEN late me) Chev theVonofetowneadRoomUOppen COMPANY I employment office 'S Cayugo a Chsektowogd Personals 8 am 4:30 pm Mon rj ABOljT AUTO INSURANCE troublel rTpog tv pt st i Contact Greenstone SIrkln ao mi a era I 1 YPIST general of flee position 2nd floor MO 2125 Terms Nlaara' experience desirable age 38 35 1 advancement possibilities Write I Box ACE LAG CO 608 Washington Mar I rt Courier Express 5 rj rials ma I COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR 28 games 41 years 5 or more years telotvne ev I YOUR CAR la Clean we want it hJJREE TOYS for by Perlence required typing personable and will pay top cash price for It a t0 Prty In your home I 5 days week up Welton Bureau Clements Chevrolet Ini 840 Clinton Call DE 7766 or BR 3414 1Q1 Walbridge Bldg 1 VtK4 rvA snAA 9 I i I i Hl VIWllUJl U'lvLUIq LeCOS l4e I Plymouth Dealer 1675 South Park A COST GInw utih JUNK CARS 30 to 150 Supreme Auto I a I accounting systems cost standards? 'and Wrecking 563 Howard m6 1331 WANTED private lessons 1n Spanish preferrably 25 33 excellent op HINK GARS any condition 0 to 100 uttap the Garcasst or finger play Portunity for advancement to Cost Unit Auto iWrecklng Mio William method TA ootis after 8:30 pm to gtart Call Mr Koval HA 2957' evenings HO week days ask for Jim MA 6889 JUNK CARS 4: any condition Leo Y0U 8nfl 8aved for wall to wall COUNTER GIRL to work 5 pm td 1:30 Zutkoff 604 Valley Ave SO 98 2 carpet Clean it with Blue Lustre Hen a Call RI 4929 between 9 am pm SMH INC JACK Is buying We need a Store 1 COUNTER GIRL wanted? "10:30 am to cars Buyersi at these lots 2378 Malo LB' 2c lb InS' Sheridan St 2no hallev Avel 2237 South Park I prices paid fqr copper bras 8nd Colvin Ave Call RI 4929 between nr MAWAMnx r2teg t0 teker and drlv and 5 pm Will Pay an Extm Pric for th St HburVrnpIkek i i iDelawlar SL ALCOHOLICS: Is drink affecting your between the Bridge JA 4444 I pr 80 we can DICTAPHONE Operator 22 30 college lor tree inrormauon background varied duties excellent of Maki1 StC An02iaI1OU' 1370 Hee downtown 5 days 225 275 Robt Main st GA 0216 Greene Employment 207 Lafayette DRIVERS for pan time day taxi cab work Often Ings Mon Wed ri Apply in person City Service Taxi 430 Genesee $895 I hEG ANGUS 2 tractor "and full I CLERK TYP ST Pne of equipment selling at Coldbrook 1 a 1 TOC Wkrrpn 2 wtOTn I have an opening for a younr lady $1 1 95 Joar Rai I interested in a position offering fc day nJrLrX2vnre in week vacation with pay groups life insurance permanent empfoymeijtrpen $995 I equipmentall new slon plan Pleasant lo I for posters and listings I rated downtown Call MA ask hTt £or '88 Berger Ruben Old ffbert irm Corporation Authorized Directory iRep Lr Auction by resentatlve of the New York Telephone i I i a company i olitriHElNS I Lost and ound I CLERK TYPIST to handle variety ot a rn twk I non routlne assignments in a i rUKD DhALtR HEAGLE lost name Brownie family I Printing company office If vqu can rj A i i IK A nr 8 name 011 collar re type work a Marchand Calculator 3484 MAIN ST PL arid are wlllI to tack extmg Opp orlB I zK fl I drive W) Lewis Garage Buffalo Reward I Timekeeper no typing required to 30 Rd East Aurora Phone East Aurora I BLACK cocker spaniel chain collar ary open Marlin Personnel I r9 Bcense lost since last riday? Delaware AutOS Wanted I CLERICAL POSITIONS excellent op I BLACK HUNTING non mpHhim I PortunitiM for tvnft lost Oct IT near Collins' Center re I fceneril clerks without typing and ac ward edlck Camp Rd Hamburg count clerks Some experience destrsble BROWN Dachshund dog male wearing Good tart nhw Ing rate and advancement cudav week AM 1610 uv'1 WSt Emolovee benefit inha le new deri7 park nwrM Remington Rand WlngtoSL ir cr 884 to catch because he Is ex 1 CLERK is4n gers heturn'roatlyplatd town office" es? SEX8 rrUT tO Art iyimi (J Vail aiIVJ MUtHI NURSES we an expanding 1 224 non sectarian' general hospital A approved with Temporary LN Ac credited School of Nursing! located near Steward ield Air Base nd West Point one hour from New York City and half hour from resort aijeas have the following to offer you: Openings at all levels with differential for eve ning and night duty bonus for OR call: 40 hour week social security cu muIaUve sick leave half Blue Cross premiums paid by hospital 7 bald holi days: low cost cafeteria regular merit ed increments educational social and advancement opportunities excellent personnel policies in service education health program I friendly co operative working relations and conditions: air conditioned OR and recovery room: democratic philosophy ana constant improvements in physical plantr equipment personnel: policies and nursing care We are Interested In you Contact Director of Nursing st Luke a Hospital Newburgh OICE GIRL WANTED for 1 girl office In a retail furniture store 474 hour work week with Wednesdays off starting salary 50 a week Can earn more in a short time Apply at 1102 Broadway near Loepere St OPPORTUNITY if you have a need to earn extra money we have the oppor tunity for you full or part time Dig nified profitable sales work Excellent earnings or appointment (call Mrs Hansen BE 5583 3 7 pm 1 GENERAL OICE CLERK! 18 25 high school graduate typing helpful? 40 hour week all company benefits 'Apply Mr Oakley Dun Bradstreet 17 Court St GENERAL OICE CLERK typing filing verifax machine will train Write Box 210 Courier Express 6 GIRL WOMEN HOUSEWIVES irs as aul: AVON i BRINGS CASH To business girls and housewives have spare time to show AVON'S BEAtITIUL CATALOGUE! of Christmas! beauty gifts HIGH iCASH COMMISSION Brings fine Christmas earhmgs if start now Call MA 4417 orfUN GIRLS age 17 25 to train I for office machine operations and general clerical duties pay while training Opportunity for advancement many benefits Apply Marine Trust Co Hoorn 623 Main ACIlcvrt olS GIRLS 5 ft to 6 ft 3 in shift 5 day week Apply In 551 Smith St? zcrORD tino Plck vvup like: new Easy Payment OLDSMOBILE 1951 Holiday Coupe original 2 tone finish and equipped with ratio heater hydramatic and' many other extras Reduced to 794 Dietrich Oldsmobile Inc 6221 Main St Williamsville SP 66V0 OLDS 1749 A one In a million car very low mileage immaculate interior bright nd shiny chrome paint Is rust free and sparkles like new 5 excellent tires and perfect mechanically easy starting and quiet running and ready for toughest weather guaranteed for 30 day ull price S29S No down payment necessary Problem at Jerge Motors Oldest ord Dealer 1647 Gene see I 909 OLDSMOBILE 1953 2 door fullvquipped with radio heater etc Azure blue finish that always looks good ear Is" in very good condition Hurry only895 for Chevrolets 2240 Dela ware RI 2332 open every evening OLDSMOBILE 1056 iSuper 88 4 door sedan jetaway hydramatic radio heat er powerstoering power brakes former company officials car only 5000 miles save 8dn Jos Manarina Motors 112 Delaware Ave Tonawanda NY LU '6566 Help WantecT emale PRACTICAL NURSE 4 to 12 shift BE 5115 PRIVATE SECRETARY wsnted for lawyer in medium sized law firm Write Box 214 Courier Express 5 TOP DOLLAR for clean automobiles Wood Park Sales 20t5 So Park Ave SO 8700 TOP cash prices for any clean 1946 to 1255 notes paid off Lee Townsend MA B5M BRING YOUR Studebaker or Packard in expert service Sales 400 Prospect delivery service GA RATre enrf Twin I City Auto Co 2310 Delaware Avp BE 3900 'i1 OLDSMOBILE Economical Service Most convenient location in Buffalo vvuayzve ait miner WWr erry St i "y' at Main ii 7snn i rw interior iTn 1 I woxiav5 wicvivm vca4j tinc STUDEBAKER Sales Service 4 Part I (insurance) several openings 7O 75 44rrO rAlso collision work and painting Zap I week car and expense Burnham fel Bros Inc 2638 Genesee at Harlem I Agency 715 Brisbane Bldg Panel spot HU 1 ADVERTISING Gnnv Writer IVnnnar I 2 jrx2' nrS'v i I i' I I irA SPVIPA I wVu HIUUUUIS ItlvlVdDlc A lClJL UJ32dIb llres lire service telephone voice must tjpe tfalcock ATTENTION quality Look illmore 50 clerk Will teach electro pj fully re What 3940 buys brand newaet four typewriter Elmwood Bryant xi5 tires John Vaday MO 7440 bookkeeper North Tonawanda 0 i 1 'JrxJ I bookkeeper Clinton Bailev 65: i cash I MAtarruplat I Ipt? dnwntnwn hntl tn 35 S56 Irrkst 'anel Orlg I I several nice openings for high school i JiiM i ahhivk'h 1Q17 Arid a i vrsnuiTPii 215! oirfannonp nnprainr good motor rclean qzyo deluxe 1165 Walter Kohl Yranslt I several I55 J60 mimeograph multi I Rd 4 1 Lock port SPring 5544 I graph 24 40 J6O J65 Sherry Personnel 19TtXH model for immediate de i 1 livery Buffalo Harley Davidson Jef I ASSISTANT to collection manager I I ferson at North LI 7154 I ome experience and collection work or I I I I office supervision required agei 30 40 si J7 I JI 71 Boats Manne" Supplies I preferred 5 day week outstanding com i I I HH I pany paid benefits Apply Ni Adam is I I BOAT: AND MOTOR for sale 200 1 Co Employment Office 9th ifloor ir I CaU8WO 14M I Monday through riday I I lx vj I SEVERAL NEW 1956 Chris Crafts at I BANK'POSITION for high school grad I substantial savings New 1956 outboard I uate with bookkeeping experience 22 I 4 TPI irif HAnril lAOTPDC I motor from 3 30 hp drastically re I days advancement generous em i KUkft ncMAalUAKl IJKo I duced Large selection of used out I Ployee benefits Apply Manufacturers zrjr rit iKS nr I boards Inboards and cruisers Buy I A Traders Trust Co Main and Swan OZQ nLLMOKt Clavton 1 1 BEAUTICIANS apply Adam Meldrum 1 Just South Of Broadway York! Phone 680 1 New Anderson Beauty Salon llnlverslty I I I Plaza tree miss Watson OPtiN BA 63U4 PLYMOUTH 1931 4 dr fully equipped Ideal family car only 395 Jerge Motors Oldest ord Dealer 1647 Genesee I 3909 PLYMOUTH 19554 D0or Belvedere 6 cylinder with overdrive Gardenvllle Motors 3S0S Clinton St HO 4244 open til 9:30 PLYMOUTHS 50' to a good selec tion of 2 doors and 4 doors All In ex cellent condition Come in and take your pick Aschbacher Motors Im perlal Chrysler Plymouth 620 Ontario PLYMOUTH 1953 Coupe fully equipped Gardenvjlle Motors 3808 Clinton St HO 424 open 'til PLYMOUTH 1954 Savoy 2 tone green heater white wall tires very clean Lou Bielll Dodge 2036 Soptb Park TR 7403 Open evenings PONTIAC 1948 sedan good condition65 A 6878 Autos Wanted TiiUNDERpIRD 1956 black two white USED CARS We buy all makes lata URNITURE repaired in home fteeZlngi healer radio like mode) used car mortgages paid Ken springs tied rewebbtng etc RI 9339? new LI 7 pt after 6 pml mure Motor 8330 Delaware In Ken ti ov Vu IT5 vnr tvirnva ECT I more Mabel I lost 20 lb Kyron LKb A(xON M0n ed I 1 1i I did ft Kyron drus eves til 9i Tues and Tfrurs 9 arn 6 WE NEED used cars and will pay top no substitute eel look years vounger Sat noon Kellys Serv dollar for clean cars Drive oGt to Kyron was easy safMw ice and Sales 3009 Genesee opposite 1) Motors Inc Lincoln Mercury 5 7 ov'emr TZ 1 AirporK PR 9302 5195 Main Williamsville SYSTEM to furnish music for MriElTfs? lf'56 Nation yagonexcep: LL'bUY OR TRADE partles' PI tionaiiy clean Erhart Motor Car Co I VOUR used car Business Services! Inc 4570 Main St 0100 LOT IS EMPTY Jcrvicea iourT next uied ckr at Cooley wSgvi Motors where prices are low and qua! 8Tg MA1N PL MXX) WMSVL windows sold repaired storm win ityjs high! 211 Niagara PAY PREMIUM caih lee for and put up 1781 INE SELECTION of used cars at low well kept late model cars Herriman 777 CTq es prices ih Buffalo Neuman Motors Graham 2262 Delaware Ava I ASPHALT CONSTRUCTION blacktop Inc 1025 Hertel VI 30oi Just a few rTT Parking area drive resurfaced step from Delaware toward Elmwood 35 jtp 150 for orhe junk cars or truck ani sealer applied ree estimates 24 hour service SU 6255 AT 8183 Prompt service Donald York PL 5531 heshfm7? S5aqir a ii CARPENTER WORK remod Chavrolet Auto Trailers ellng free estimates reas SU 5954 BIG LOT all makes Travelo oraa ni I Westwood Many ten wldp now on 1825 Main GA' 7030 ALYAYS re8Ay carting and moving 1 1 4911 renesee St RE 4911 local or long distance GR 693 AUror AMERICAN 8 room trailer coach eom AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD STORAGE motorksts for over 30 yeari Pletely equipped Parked or ready to 00 Separata room locked sealed Ur iajyears 160 Sugg Rd near Buffalo Air modern fireproof warehouse moving Trucks and Trdctars I Pert TA i418 I packing and shipment Agents Allied irucKz ana iracrors i i van Line wa 0701 for estimate CHEVROLETS and other make of re OR RENT fully equipped modern 2 1 Mrs Kneeland Wilkes president conditioned (A guaranteed used truck I bejJrwm trailer with attached utility I ight HAULING tree removed Call Mernan Chevrolet 2763 Bailey PA 4870 Wn located in pleasant rural com ws tr rmovd Call au munlty approximately 3 miles south CHEVROLET 1956 i Ton Pick Up oi'Jiuffalo 5o month Call Sprlnllle GLENN A SON Inc istorsge very low mileage Special discount Wil JJi moving 204 Terrace WA DeprnN7: 4h Trailer Sales now showing PICKUP SERVICE and moving van ROad i TranV Western New finest selection of I Per hour GA 0896 INAL CLARANCE 1 Aga1" aai fa Inez 11 I evening until 9 pm closed ri Of 1 956 Models day evening and all day Saturday I open Sunday for inspection Niagara rickups cnassis mm ay 78 Newfane n'y Help Wanted emale Also see Our large Stock of PEERIESS Schult Sliver Dome A HOME AND AMILY to care for nrUrl 11J I Dreamllght Streamllte Great Lakes necessarily force you tq retire gOOu Used trucks I Pontine on display at Mobile completely from the business world Ka na a Niagara You can still supplement family Income Tractors I alls Phone 3 0252 land earn extra Xmas money by work 'gllne and diesel S2ST J75SS ftSflE TSg Rt 31 in AtlddleDort 10 and experience we wui you wide Ventoura New' Moon Richard Russen Kelly Office Service Dela son llMmark Great Lakes Champion MA 232 nolv and 5ave ACCURATE TYPIST for hilling work AiOHiLE HOMES new used Eaton on electric typewriter Single preferred Park Southwestern Saturday work involved at overtime Blvd Hamburg rates Liberal insurance plan and I retirement benefits Appointment for AUTOmODlle rartS interview Call MA 9111 ext 44 week CHEVROLET PARTS 8'4 Downtown Location i 'Complete Stock ACCOUNTING STUDENTS minimum 2 RAY WEILTmVROT years college 1st A 2nd shifts open nsi WLlb CHEVROLET ings under 2 80 week advancement ITVlSrs A TT TM I iMivntuijiu rUMJrS QOSe valve ana I rnwneni kovu lucuie jDUiiiiisan ORD 1956 lOO ton PlrkHn Paul A Dunn Agency 713 Brisbane Bldg choice Of five In 6 or 8 ftJ badv brand I a wood RI 8351 new inal i clearance pay while you earn with small semi monthly payments Ask for rank Comlto at jioior corp i9O Lafayette EL 9515 OR a terrific deaL hesitate to see Montana Motors at 369 Niagara St GET THE MOST ROM RROST 1285 St GA gfltX) I i II HIGHEST PRICES for vour used cars any i make any model Great Lake Motor Corp Main St 1 and will pay top D0nR an1 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR for iaudlt ysmess nignnv b3q 147 Allen EL 9220 work able to do all 4 methods i5 day.
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