O poder alquímico das sensações um panorama histórico-ficcional da filosofia magnética de Franz Anton Mesmer Dissertacao (2024)

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This paper comprises relations between the terms listed in the the text “Science, magie et philosophie” by Eric Weil. Therefore, it is structured in three different moments. In the first, we look for the foundations of Weil’s arguments by replacing the relationship between science and magic as worldviews that coincide in what the magic as a promise and the Science achieved as an achievement. In the second moment, we see the transition from the theoria of ancient science to the theory of modern sciences and the questions surrounding the possibility of a comprehensive view of reality. Finally, we take the question of the meaning of modern magic, and, at the same time, the need for philosophy as a condition for thinking about the dilemma of the coexistence of the demands of a civilization modeled by science with the persistence of questions of meaning of human life.

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O poder alquímico das sensações um panorama histórico-ficcional da filosofia magnética de Franz Anton Mesmer Dissertacao (2024)


What is Franz Anton Mesmer best known for in terms of the history of psychological treatment? ›

Franz Anton Mesmer (born May 23, 1734, Iznang, Swabia [Germany]—died March 5, 1815, Meersburg, Swabia) was a German physician whose system of therapeutics, known as mesmerism, was the forerunner of the modern practice of hypnotism.

What did Franz Mesmer believe? ›

Modern hypnosis started with the Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), who believed that the phenomenon known as mesmerism, or animal magnetism, or fluidum was related to an invisible substance--a fluid that runs within the subject or between the subject and the therapist, that is, the hypnotist, or the " ...

What did mesmerism treat? ›

In 1774 Mesmer began treating a young woman who had a long list of symptoms—fevers, vomiting, unbearable toothaches and earaches, delirium, and even occasional paralysis. Her illnesses had a cyclical nature, which led Mesmer to try out his animal magnetism as a curative.

Who was a student of Franz Mesmer? ›

Mesmer was driven into exile soon after the investigations on animal magnetism. However, his influential student, Amand-Marie-Jacques de Chastenet, Marquis of Puységur (1751–1825), continued to have many followers until his death.

Is Dr. Mesmer really a doctor? ›

Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) was a German physician who, in 1774, started using magnets in his medical profession. Mesmer was working attempting to heal a woman by having her drink an iron-based liquid before he moved magnets over her body. This supposedly healed her for a couple of hours.

What did Mesmer think was the cause of mental illness? ›

Mesmer believed that good physical and psychological health came from properly aligned magnetic forces; bad health, then, resulted from forces essentially being out of whack. He noticed a treatment that seemed to work particularly well in correcting these misaligned forces.

What did Mesmer do to his daughter? ›

Growing up, Cleo expressed a distant relationship with her father, Mesmer, due to a lack of involvement he had in her life from being a celebrity. She was eventually placed in foster care due to her father's conviction for insider trading and frequent drug use.

How did Mesmer treat hysteria? ›

Franz-Anton Mesmer (1734-1815). The treatment he used was the so-called "magnetic therapy". This was a suggestive psychotherapeutical method by which, as he thought, the amaurosis could be cured. The most essential agency of this "magnetic therapy" was music.

Is hypnosis real? ›

Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration. It also is called hypnotherapy. Hypnosis usually is done with the guidance of a health care provider using verbal repetition and mental images.

Who is the father of hypnotism? ›

James Braid (1795-1860) was a Scottish surgeon and natural philosopher. Braid studied medicine in Edenborough and began his work as a surgeon. However, it was Braid's work on hypnosis and hypnotism that immortalized his name. Today he is regarded as the “father of modern hypnotism”.

What did Mesmer do wrong? ›

Mesmer betrayed the Boys by giving information about them to Homelander, allowing the Seven and Vought to identify the members and target them and their families, in the hopes that his influence will get Mesmer back into the public eye.

What is the difference between hypnotism and mesmerism? ›

For a short explanation, Mesmerism involves the manipulation of “magnetic fluids” or “animal magnetism” (probably more accurately called “life energy”) in order to heal people. Hypnosis involves the use of suggestion to communicate with the unconscious mind.

What does Mesmer mean in Latin? ›

Mesmer is apparently a Swiss name for an altar boy. See also the German Mesner or Messner. Originally from Latin mansionarius = housekeeper. Mansionarius (Latin)

Who invented hypnosis? ›

The history of hypnosis dates back to the late 18th century when Franz Mesmer, a German physician, developed mesmerism, his beliefs about the balance of magnetic power in our body, using animal magnetism. The concept of animal magnetism was rejected a decade later as it had no scientific basis.

Why does Franklin refuse to go to Mesmer's Clinic? ›

Final answer: Franklin refused to go to Mesmer's clinic because he regarded Mesmer's theories as scientifically unsound and without proof, a conclusion supported by the royal commission's report he helped write.

How did Anton Mesmer develop hypnosis? ›

The theory was that human beings have a sort of animal magnetism and that when this “fluid” becomes blocked then ill health develops. Mesmer felt that he could use “magnetic passes” over the body to restore the flow of this substance to create health once again.

Which figure was responsible for the initial use of hypnosis as a medical treatment? ›

Franz Anton Mesmer

Western scientists first became involved in hypnosis around 1770, when Franz Mesmer (1734–1815), a physician from Austria, started investigating an effect he called "animal magnetism" or "mesmerism" (the latter name still remaining popular today).

What did Mesmer do? ›

Mesmer betrayed the Boys by giving information about them to Homelander, allowing the Seven and Vought to identify the members and target them and their families, in the hopes that his influence will get Mesmer back into the public eye.

What did the Royal Commission appointed to investigate Franz Mesmer conclude? ›

The commissioners also had Deslon magnetize subjects from behind a screen, concealed from view, and recorded that in these cases, the treatment had no discernible effect. They concluded that mesmeric effects were due to an as yet largely unknown power: not a nervous fluid, but the power of imagination.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.