Portals - Volusia County Schools (2025)

  • Parent Portal
  • VPortal
  • Intranet

Parent Portal

Parent Portal

The Parent Portal is a great way for parents/guardians to stay connected to their students:



View discipline referral information
Pay for Field Trips and other school items
Academy and Advanced Program applications
School Choice applications

Enroll a new student

Parent Portal accounts are available for all students enrolled with Volusia County Schools and are easy to set up.

    Initial Setup Instructions

    • Step 1: Creating your Parent Portal Account
    • Step 2: How to Add (link) a Student to your Account
    • Other Setup Error Messages

    Step 1: Creating your Parent Portal Account

    1. Click on:Access Parent Portaland click the link for "Click here to register for a new account".

    Note: To complete Step 2 will require you to have a PINfor each student you wish to link to your Parent Portal. If you do not already have the PINplease contact the ITS Help Desk at 386-734-7190 x25000 or contact your school's registrar.

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    Portals - Volusia County Schools (2)

    2. Enter the Parent information in all the required fields:

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    a.Enter the Parent/Guardian First Name as it appears on Driver’s License
    b.Enter the Parent/Guardian Last Name as it appears on Driver’s License
    c.Enter a valid Email Address, this email address will be your username
    (VCS employees use a personal email address and not your VCS issued email)
    d.Create Password to sign into the Volusia Parent Portal
    e.Retype Password to verify the password
    f.Check the box I’m not a robot
    g.Click Submit

    Alert: If the registering person is not recognized as a valid contact within Focus, you will receive an error message as pictured below.

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    Step 2: How to Add (link) a Student to your Account

    1.Click "Click here to add another student to your Existing Account" or Once Logged in, you will be prompted to ADD a child.

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    Portals - Volusia County Schools (6)

    2. Enter in Prompted Information

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    ***When entering your student's information, ensure that you use ALL CAPS for the letters in their Local Student ID (known as theStudent's Alpha Code).***

    The linked student's name and photo (if applicable) display on the screen once the link is submitted. If the information entered matched our system information,you may begin viewing the linked student's data right away.

    Need Parent Portal PIN?

    The Parent Portal PIN is a unique 8-digit code that is assigned to each student to help parents securely establish their parent portal accounts.

    A letter containing your student’s unique PIN was sent home at the beginning of the year.If you did not receive this letter, you can contact the ITS Help Desk at 386-734-7190 x25000 or the school's registrar.

    Alert: If the registering person is not recognized as a valid contact within Focus,
    you will receive an error message as pictured below.

    Portals - Volusia County Schools (8)

    If you receive the above error, you most likely have not typed your name exactly as it was entered into your student’s contact file. For example, if your name is Thomas and you typed “Tom”, try typing Thomas to see if it clears the error. If you need assistance with this error, please contact your school’s registrar so that he or she can check your student’s contact file to verify how your name was entered and possibly correct any misspelling.

    If you need assistance with this error, you can contact the ITS Help Desk at 386-734-7190 x25000 or the school's registrar.

    Other Setup Error Messages

    Custody Alert:
    Once in the Parent Portal, some parents may see the alert below. You will then need to go to your child’s school to identify who you are with a driver’s license or photo id and the school will need to verify your account.

    Alert: If your child has a custody alert on file, you will not have access to your child’s information until you visit the school to get your account verified. The following message will be displayed on your Volusia Parent Portal Page.

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    Parent Portal Features Instructions

    • How to Add (link) another Student to your Account
    • Reset Parent Portal Password
    • Accessing Student Schedule and Grades
    • How to Make Payments
    • Locate Free Device Insurance in Parent Portal for Qualified Students

    How to Add (link) another Student to your Account

    1.Click "Click here to add another student to your Existing Account" or Once Logged in, you will be prompted to ADD a child.

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    Portals - Volusia County Schools (11)

    2. Enter in Prompted Information

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    The linked student's name and photo (if applicable) display on the screen once the link is submitted. If the information entered matched our system information,you may begin viewing the linked student's data right away.

    Need Parent Portal PIN?

    The Parent Portal PIN is a unique 8-digit code that is assigned to each student to help parents securely establish their parent portal accounts.

    A letter containing your student’s unique PIN was sent home at the beginning of the year.If you did not receive this letter you can contact the ITS Help Desk
    at 386-734-7190 x25000 or the school's registrar.

    Alert: If the registering person is not recognized as a valid contact within Focus,
    you will receive an error message as pictured below.

    Portals - Volusia County Schools (13)

    If you receive the above error, you most likely have not typed your name exactly as it was entered into your student’s contact file. For example, if your name is Thomas and you typed “Tom”, try typing Thomas to see if it clears the error. If you need assistance with this error, please contact your school’s registrar so that he or she can check your student’s contact file to verify how your name was entered and possibly correct any misspelling.

    If you need assistance with this erroryou can contact the ITS Help Desk
    at 386-734-7190 x25000 or the school's registrar.

    Reset Parent Portal Password

    Parents: Forgot Password

    If a password has been forgotten, a new one can be generated. Parents can request a new password through clicking the link Parents: Forgot Password? Parents will enter the email associated with the account and receive further directions for logging in.

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    Enter the email address used to create the account and click the Submit button.

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    When a valid email address is entered, a confirmation message will display.

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    Accessing Student Schedule and Grades

    • Accessing Student Schedule- Parent Portal
    • Accessing Student Schedule - Student Portal
    • Accessing Midterms and Report Cards

    How to Make Payments

    Locate Free Device Insurance in Parent Portal for Qualified Students

    Portals - Volusia County Schools (17)

    Mobile Device Users

    VCS recommends all mobile device users to download the Community App and use it to access Focus. It is not recommended to use the desktop links to access on your mobile device as some pages may not display properly.

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    Portals - Volusia County Schools (19)

    Accessing Your Account

    Access Parent Portal

    NeedTechnical Assistance?

    Call our ITS Help Desk
    386-734-7190 Ext 25000.

    Open 7:30am - 5:00pm,
    Monday thru Friday.

    Summer Hours:

    Open 7:00am - 6:00pm
    Monday thru Thursday.


    VPortal provides students and district employees with access to customize and launch their available applications in one location. With its intuitive interface, single-sign-on capability and modern appearance, VPortal ensures our users are equipped with the necessary tools to enhance their digital instruction and learning.

    How do I access VPortal?

    To access VPortal, go to https://launchpad.classlink.com/volusia. Use the following links to download the app for Apple iOS or Google Android:

    To log in to VPortal, you will need your student's alpha ID and birthdate:

    • If you need help logging on to or using VPortal, please call the Virtual Online Instructional Support Hotline at 386-626-0070. The hotline is open from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

    How do I get technical support for VPortal?

    If you need technical support for VPortal, call 386-734-7190 ext. 25000.

    How to Access Digital Resources in VPortal

    The following resources provide an overview of how to access VPortal from a laptop or mobile device. These resources are either step-by-step click sheets or videos.



    The Intranet is an internal space used by employees. Employees may be prompted to enter their network credentials to view this area.


    Portals - Volusia County Schools (2025)
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    Author: Carlyn Walter

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5819

    Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

    Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Carlyn Walter

    Birthday: 1996-01-03

    Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

    Phone: +8501809515404

    Job: Manufacturing Technician

    Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

    Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.