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- The Buffalo Newsi
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- 31
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31 AUTO mechanics experienced top wages Brest Motors 12th) Main BOYS 16 service station after school 4 11 reliable boys AM 5166 class Coal ha! good coal and coke Phone HU 2350 HARDWOOD face cord Rostcn Garden 86 ll GA 4175 I ERRAND boy for afternoons 1 4 Shaw Printing 45 Division St ASOLINE station attendant ideal I 5 Ing conditions permanent lob pui VAN'S gold watch lost A't reward PA 8552 I wu cc Call bc sui JCICLES icniuved from homes WA 5205 niturc urs size $84 St RUGS cleaned repaired furniture cleaned Buffalo Carpet Works PA 2090 in1 II tax roti beautiful wallnauer Call 0324 301 Genesee rp etc house iccs and quick experienced for full or Apply at 611 Main Ul 1 rm in Dela DE 0805 ft IJOYS 12 years old or over deliver The Buffalo Evening News in the Elmwood Porter and Busti sections Call or phone City Circulation Dept WA 4000 STUDIO couch and chair brand new never used 340 Hamilton Kenmore JJLASTERING repairs! ceilings prompt service reasonable Richard Pound 4j8 Humooldt GRant 6429 I will pay more tor tmod nsd furniture Crystal pin between Bailey and 1J Lang Texas and Langfleld Drive re ward alt HU 1198 I os i bracelet ware Ave vicinity: retv ard via family ail ana paintings rviup 244 UcLi A 4262 Miiauon stoves compressors complete aray air hose and accessories Thor: immediate delivery Buffalo 210 Main bt hase A RCUITECTURAL draftsmen junior draftsmen full time student drafts Hu3son Hudson Architect Rand Bldg or ma Duncan mi 1 bed dresser and chair never TA 3581 IJUMELRNISHINGS artist furniture and smallwares retail experience re quired state all details 1st letter eend samples Wm Taylor Son Co ucni Ave Cleveland Ohio VY TRESS experienced hours 7:30 A 4 no Sundays or holi days $25 no phone calls 325 rTARD and soft wood any length can mc KeI TOal fireplaces uel 13b Dingens 2371 vtonminr refinished A workmanship! under 35! excellent ts salar and opportunity Bryant Service 9 Bryant St women learn photo coloring tuition fpp tvnrir Awenr Apply 19 Photo Art 633 Main VVOMAN or girl white preferred care of house and schoolgirl live in DE trucks waiting to buy your modem furniture stoves washer radio vacu ums or anything of value wc pay cash WA 1544 GIRLS for general laundry work Mor gan Linen Supply Inc 325 Louisiana Girls small Bunk 4 1 hogan 1 oom iiyreubrary rm DMM lure more mu most complete used home furnishings store anything from a can Opener to completely equipped home Iocks 353 Amherst St (off Grant) ura riday anil Saturday evening DLACK seal coal size 38 brown furt cijat size 38 brown muskrat size 14 3 oorhees Ave springer 3 heifers 1 stork 4 150 IIotAO GUPJI1 reu XUAL sett horses saddle and bridles hay barn t9uPmcnt and bam for rent 1476 Harlem Rd Dec 20 shell nm glasses vi cimty Tilllnghast and Colvin AM 0912 rpABLE modtl white combination stove A white kitchen set 9x12 rug floor lamp gas range £51 Smith 713EA wagon mantel cl (SERVICE manager best that money can kj buy Packard experience preferred but not essential fine opportunity for right man to build own future also mechanics body or metal men Hunt Motor Sales 2550 Delaware 9 5 nv CO! ZAIRLS work at Sweet Kleen for 52 A weeks a year no layoffs permanent jobs for the right girls 5 day week? no unoay work good pay while learning the end of the training period it cean safe and healthful employment veet Kleen Laundry 760 Kensington take No 13 car to door GIRLS for factory work Applv airmont Creamery Co 197 Scott St 1RLS to help can food experience not VJ necessary Samuel ood Products 567 asmnglon St Dan Euard rpsr ruhfr Rltlzsle oa Depew Ave MTECHANIC wanted to lepalr trucks toAn stlyc'vtrf Bakins Co CL 9663 374 Seventh St COMPETENT girl for general office work North Park section responsible efficient references required good salary Phone PA 700 for appointment TAO you need money to help the family XA budget? our or five hours a day wiil bring jou a nice income Write address and age to Jt 17 News office EXPER1KN CE shirt girls wanted good wages Brace McGuire 30 Goodrich Ing ability salary position training managing saies dept give details andhone to 31 News office SALESWOMAN experienced in" millinery Irmanent good salary opportunity i JwW VA Shop Hotel Statler 7 I IAPERHANGING $6 per room and up n'luding paper: steaming paper UN 5723 PAPERHANGING 2 edge work guaran teed samples shown Enright HU 6884 (SALESMEN 5 Buffalo and vicinity car isA necessary nationally known product protected territory salary for capable man SHX) weekly interested parties may call for personal interview Empire State In sulation Co Tona 1657 SANDWICH man wanted from 10 to 7 A ord Hotel Restaurant 210 Delaware Ave CJALES correspondent experienced de kJ sires position in Buffalo A refer ences: details upon request Write S3 News office VXTOMAN for part time work in sales de partment with large organization no experience necessary splendid opportunitv pleasant work Apply Rogers Studio 11 court St I EXECUTIVES over 40 with past eam 4 ings in excess of S3600 per year unem ployed through no fault of their own and in good health are invited to submit com plete business history and unquestionable character references to a co operative organization who will help them to help themselves Apply in person to orty Plus Tjecives Of Western New York Room 403 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Buffalo ipIREMAN and maintenance man M1I lard illmore Hosplta 1 IpiREMAN and elevator operator for night work stoker fed boilers good pay Ap ply manager Hotel Graystone A TEATCUTTER first class 850 week to start must be capable taking full Ensmingcr Rd ipUltS wUi restyle your coat for J25 additional lor fur also 12 savings Philips urstlMfe west Chippewa I ANUARY clearance sale of furs' save up tuA4ur Al Horwitz urs 257 Dela ware Ave: open evenings till 9:30 TJA1NTING and paperhanging first class work GKrywalski TA 7682 TJAINT1NG paiAThanging and minor rc Palrs Call Phillips AM 1300 I AINTING interior exterior general re Pj Bf references insurance CL 2032 I AINTING floors LI 9937 JANUARY fur clearance sale 30 to 50'1 on a prouP of last 1431 OiXfnr 579 and LParman furs 1431 Jefferson near erry GR 6337 LI GI ITLY used dandy size 12 sableis? coat oniy (JEWING machine operators experiencedJ for clothing and pants good pay short hours Cresbury Clothes 9 El licott St CL 2821 SILK screen operator must be able to letter cut stcndls and do printing some sign writing Write 60 News offlre SPECIALTY salesman canvasser with car selling large deals on HA plan di rect to home owners drawing account and leads to those who qualify Apply in per son University Home Equipment 3053 Main rilAILOR for coals and suits WA 1 1494 glMRE serviceman opportunity for ad vanrement with growing company Ap plyMc Ronald isher Tire Co 1587 Mai it in'lIME study tnun experienced steady ployment Morse Chain Co Division of Borg Warner Corp Ithaca rOvSEKEEPER middle aged for rec Uve fo or out 3 adults Apply in person 172 15th St YPIST clerk high school graduate under 24 good beginner considered 5 Welton Bureau X8 Aalbridge Bldg experienced Grandview Res taurart 2G Allen St WAITRESS experienced Theatre Hotel Restaurant 47 East Mohawk must be experienced hours A 2 Apply 210 Delaware 47AITRESSES full or part time good and tiPg eal1 3500 Main experienced over 18 Apply Pagoda 621 Main after A it RAITRESSES wanted good pay Inquire Texas Red Hots 3171 Main experienced Apply Mrs 1 Owers 386 Pearl St A SSISTANT manager positions open Xi to to 7 A 6 nights per week at 83618 no experience necessary you are paid for short period of training the work is steady with no layoffs light pleasant and easy to learn in addition to all this you receive meals laundry and tips Deco Restaurants 935 West erry near Main AUTO mechanic and collision man Bill Hoctor Nash dealer 2705 Bailey SALESMAN demonstrator prefer veteran and wife to work as team in and out of large deaprtment store on home equip ment big commission on large deals fi nanccd on long HA terms GR 4827 CALL for your furnlure Call WA 1585 if no answer TA 7fN1 nIGHEST prices for living and room suites stoves CL 3639 HIGHEST prices paid for used 3629 A 1 A 0673 furniti: MODERN furniture 10 1 Seneca St V7AN1 ED urniture to furnish a home I will pay you mote WA 6921 A CHITECTURAL designer and drafts xXmen experienced opiortunity for rapid advancement George A Ebeling 1783 East 11th St Cleveland 14 ASSISTANT janitor must be sober wlll ing to work 1S6 West Chippewa to lie sold tn 1 I Satur 23 Lauiel TIOSITION open at Beck's Dairy East Amherst for girl knowing how to operate comptometer and having some bookkeeping knowledge must have car? pay begins at S30 only those interested in steady work need apply 44 hour week Cail UN 1093 between 9 and 12 A or after 6 EINED girl to live in newly decorated room with bath to take over household duties AM 3356 SEVERAL girls wantcd for clean factory work previous experience on paper converting machines Is desirable good working conditions Buffalo Envelope Co 20 Michigan Situations Wanted Male A RCilES cablntls shelving other small xx jobs repairs PA 5622 cornices carpentry GR VTTAITRESSES to work at Your Host Res 8 taurant 2835 Delaware Ave meals and tmlorms furnished plus salary apply in TJEAUT1UL Zenith radio student lamp Oriental rug chandelier vacuum clean er vanity bed bookcase toastei miscel laneous reasonable 150 Lancaster BETTER furniture kitchenette stoves rugs Mive 5) 197 Seneca CL 3639 EXPERIENCED maid for cleaning wom en's wear shop steady work full time Bums Sample Shop J631 Hertel Ave ipXPERIENCED pantry girl Apply Sante 4 Paolini after 2 386 Pearl T3XPERT beauty operator at least 5 exuerie xx tical experience for office write qualifications and state salary to 29 News office 4 AR PEN 1EIL small jobs reasonable GR 8096 X'tARPENTER alterations arches iiiade k'a'Z XARPEN tit work kitchen cabinets arches remodeling cooling and siding Niederpru ontraciors a name estab By1 flr over at) years GA 8500 work ainuii'diToone kitctH HU 1719 EDROOM living room dining room combination stove radiant heater etc 471 Rhode Island TAEDROOM suite 3 piece solid mapie dinette set for sale reasonable end tables and lamps EL 0269 I EDROOM and dining room furniture sbwe 55 LaSalle Ave Kenmore TEDROOM suite mahogany practically new console radio barrel lounge chair furnace blower mirror linoleum golf clubs UN 5102 ZlOST accountants excellent opportunity in steel Industry experience in standards essential Write fully to o9 News office meatcutter experienced if0In rVtai! rneat market references Writo 3 News office TAIEMAKERS blanking perforating and Zi drawing operating 56 hours per week particulars experience etc Write 8 News office ED single complete with dresser 825 2 rocking chairs oak 82 each din ing room set with pads tablecloth and pads with lights 825 fruit jars 25c doz 1A L686 TAEDROOM suite chairs tables ghoer scatter rugs miscellaneous AM 2929 JJJIARMACY clerk wanted in small town A near Rochester: wonderful opiiortunlty Write 24 News office TAORTEIl for tavern EastSI'y short A hours 168 Howard St corner Krettner apply after 4 PORTER for tavern Ellicott and North Sts pORTER for clubhouse Call' TORTER for service station from 6 A A to 12 noon Apply in person Division Tire Auto Parts Jefferson at South Divlsioon TORTERS experienced over 18 Apply 621 Main after PRESSER would a guarantee of $60 for a 44 hour week interest you? If you are a first class workman on and men garments between 22 and 45 years old write stating full qualifications first letter white married man preferred Write It 19 News office PRESSMEN Miehlc Kelly and job press men night work Wm Pollack oster Print 861 Main St I RERIGERATOR serviceman must be competent $35 week to start Gilbert 578 Genesee 'PRACTICING lawyer of 32 years ex 1 perience wants position in GA 8134 or address 03 Elmwood Buffalo Association for the Blind is equipped to handle outside contract such i as small assembling packing etc Call CL 3677 ISO Goodell St TrETERAN desires position as supervisor of purchase and production of printing and advertising material on sales service representative for member of allied craft 1K years experience Write 50 News ofjice UP paints your car guaranteed job Rfar ot qn inmore TA 07SR PAPERHANGING expert work PAPERHANGING neatly done prompt service Call GA 5576 IAAPERilANGING by experts paper fur nished optional estimates GA 1084 ng ers VVHITJ: gold wrisTwatch vrttJl bsguetu d'tinondx lose reward Call UN 7813 watch lost ri Cou vtngi Bank Mam Eagle CL 4055 reward 1ACCOON coat also krimmcr size 15 $20 each RI 5136 after 6 1 4 perfeeL SALESMAN to supervise service organ ization in Buffalo high wages and bonus Write stating qualifications to 12 News office IAHARMAC1STS wanted top wages good hours 1505 Genesee T)HARMACJSTS full or part time good A pay North Park Pharmacv 3183 Hertel PAINTING expert Kemtoning roasoii alb done GA 8170 AINTING and deco rat in 229 Cherrv St or all CL 3346 PLASTERING 1st class repairs reason abie Galbo Bros 92 Whitney PL CL 1305 or WA 6562 ROO repair done immediately insulated siding and roofs of all kinds now avail able Olympic Roofing Siding Co UN A TTENTION Girls wanted for post Xx war jobs in stores no experience nec essary we train you Apply 3099 Delaware A VON Products Inc needs 10 sales rep XX resen ta fives pleasant profitable work Cail WA 1891 or apply a 604 Brisbane Big BRYANT Experienced woman part time cleaning rooms Call 10 5 LI 0197 CAPABLE girl for chorus Apply man ager Palace Theater 327 Main VVANTED woman who has several hours a day to devote to outside work in her own negilborhood Write for ap pointment 28 News office WANTED Experienced barmaid night work Call between 2 5 tn per son Babcock Grill 1192 Seneca St 17ANTED Woman about 30 to do cooklnb and kitchen work good wages Wallys Grill 1589 Niagara GA 9809 Girl or woman to take care of 2 small children days Call WO 5618 between 8 10 JEWING machines oiled and adjusted kJ $1 vacuum cleaners electric appii ances repaired: work guaranteed AM 2220 SILK spotter 12 experience con scientlous wants permanent job UN AUTO mechanic experience necessary must be able to furnish references Apply airmont Creamery Co 197 Scott SHE wants steady position or will take wvr kitchen in first class tavern years experience in Buffalo best refer ences GR 0119 CONCRETE driveways mason work of allklnds Li 7641 building and remodeling! arches Linowall siding store coun ters and shelves racks of all types minor jP'oquy1 WO1 tlune with speedy service 8312 for hire experienced driver A wo 23 is YVALLPAPER removed by steam esti mates free TA 0519 A TURNER SONS for carpenter sx work repairs remodeling painting and decorating of all kinds 28 Custer St AM 8726 ipX SE It ICEMAN wants position as ap prentief in refrigeration some experl cncc wlillc in sei vice GR 8900 A IAN wants job cleaning offices In mornings 7 to noon CL 294R A AN with good credit and sales back ground would like position as credit manager with Western York concern personnel brochure and references on re quest Write 75 News ofice TEW roofs $69 standard brands dia" IP roll 900 sq ft includ ing labor and material also siding and insulation Norton Roofing Co 11 2 Niagara LI 3510: after 5 GR 8426 MEN to work from 11 through 7 A 60c per hour plus tips meals and laundry steady work with no layoffs no ex it rienre necessary we pav you for a short period ot training Deco ficstaurants 935 West erry near Main MEN preferably 18 to 25 for night work 10 to 6 A pleasant work good pay steady job Apply Duffy Silk Co 980 Northampton and 225 Guil ford St MEN wanted for dishwashing bus house men watchmen and plumbing work Apply Mr Seager personnel manager Hotel Statler entrance MEN 18 25 to learn plating incentive pay steady work 6 days per week day and night shifts Marked Electric Products Inc 145 Seneca ATEN and young men wanted if you are interested in a job with a future we have the opportunity for you with our large restaurant organization promotion and raise increases based on your ability to business Apply White Tower 100 Main St between 10 A and 3 ask for Mr Neely MEN steady employment for restaurant cleaning day work at $27 per week plus meals and laundry Deco Restaurants 93 West erry near Main "A TANAGER furniture department eiG toA perienced In retail furniture business Jo to 40 years old must be alert aggres sive ambitious capable of taking com plete charge of a growing department salary plus libera! bonus plan Insures mini mum of $45 weekly and up to $65 or bet ter permanent position and a good future Grant Co University Plaza Buffalo OROMPT delivery on egg and nut soft Pe" ton Abbott Coal oke Co 1 Armbruster St HU 1923 SRS smokeless egg coal egg? stove anj nut rokc 5050 mlx rane stove or nut Eastern Coal Co WO 0129 urniture Office or Sale CHAIRS desks used filing" cabinets sac rifice 75 West Huron St CL 6935 Bookcases 3072 or GA US I NESS aoministratlon graduate 33 desires Position with weU estahlished local company 14 ex Priencp as office and credit manager for national concern has working knowledge ot nil types of accounting and ottico pro requires can operate tyirewrlter comp tometer and oXier machines experienced In credit managunent and financial statement analysis Write L4 News office kitchens remodeled arcli es anything GA 9726 5 to 9 CARPENTER remodeling kitchen arches" picture windows TA 6854 I ASKIN lamb coat genuine size 44 46 822 AM 3893 pERSIAN lamb fur eoat size fSTTIke A new $135: less than i the original cost Phone North Collins 58 12 Situations Wanted emale of invalid or 1 pci bun nursing cx perience GA 88tXJ UMPANION and to lady reia Jady itasonable wages Write 51 Ncws offlcc AINS nealiy laundered special han Qllng picked up delivered GR 772 SILVER fox new double scarfs pair January sale super values savings snappy styles new fur coats ver muskrats 125 djed conevs 78 included: bargains in Persians" etc furriers 466 Washington cor Mohawk 2d floor cash or pa men plan SKUNK dyed size 12: reasonable All 28 13 A NNUAL sale of limited quantity un XX Claimed fur coats taken from our will call to be sold for balance due here Is a list of some of the values: Stenciled leop ard lapin size 12 selling price 149 bal ance due SIO4 gray squirrel coat size 12 selling price $249 balance due $119 36 in red fox coat size 16 selling price $139 balance due 55 American gray fox coat size 16 selling price $198 balance due mouton lamb size 14 selling price S129 balance due $88: northern back muskrat size 14 selling price $298 bal ance due $198 seal died conev size 14 selling price $99 balance due $79: princess sable dyed coney size 18 selling price $110 balance due $S5: brown pony size 50 selling price $223 balance due" $150: all coats tax included and tnanv many more such values Rosenblatt's 462 Wash ington next door to IXPERT production manager for manu facture of brass valves and accessories must he capable of designing tools and production fixtures: a real opportunity and good pa Marsh Valve Co Dunkirk or Wils inS tBuf alo JJURST class barber wanted 3S9 Niagara IlIRST ciass structural detailer Call HU 1860 for appointment Central Steel Qinst ruction Corp XMRST class carpenter steady" work good A pay: new house construction 149 Mcadovviane Kenmore PA 79:55 after 6 HIGH schooi boy to work in drugstore Bargar Wright 1327 Hertel Ave Manufacturing company leader in Its field is going to train for future major executive positions tor young men under 35 who are sales minded and have 3 to 5 business experience good education exceptional Intelligence give de tails in answer Write It 30 News office MARRIED dairy tanner experienced: modern house good location good wages Phone 3962 Cattaraugus evenings Lee Watson Cattaraugus ATARRIED man between the ages ot 28 and 38 with good driving record to operate light panel truck on a route serv ing plants in Buffalo: man with some sell ing experlenlce or route work preferred guaranteed weekly earnings with an op portunity to build a good paving route Apply for this desirable fob Monday eve ning between 7:30 and 9:30 Coverall Serv ice 551 Smith SL Cornelia SL entrance VXOMEN and girls to wait on tables from 11 A 2 no experience neces sary good salary tips and a meal uni forms furnished and laundered Deco Res taurants 935 West erry near Main AMBITIOUS singers experienced inex perienced auditions 1 9 bring ygurmusic: $1 pianist Hollywood Studios 613 Main St several good open inzi for experienced girl looking for jevpjxirt unity for advancement 5 day wi ck In Buffalo's most modern office buildingApply to personnel dlrevUtr National Gyp sum Co 225 Delaware Ave WITCHBOARD $2250 comptometerJ dictaphone: bookkeeper typist depart ment store buyer cosmetic clerk bakeryek rlc $27 hostess SIX) cook experienced wa tresses: housework $30: day work 6 Puss Employment DE 7588 fpEACHER for shorthand and typing for A night school Phone Monday TR 6106 rpYPIST and general office work know! edge Of stenography preferred perma pleasant position National Dry Goods 327 Hertel rpYPIsT and general office work girl SOOd handwriting permanent job 1JANTRY glri good wages time and halt anl Buffalo 2Xap ield Club Cheektowaga call i A 1630 "IJVsTRY girl pood steady post jobT good pay and working conditions ex rtcKCe necessary Apply in person Park Dane Restaurant Delaware and Gates Csrcie pjAPER box workers experienced or be gingers full or part time Thoma Paper Box Co Inc 650 Clinton St and statistical clerk between A 25 40 experience necessary or ap cmtment call GR 7973 OuWER darning machine operators Ap ply Marba System 431 Niagara XRACTICAL nurse permanent position a uve in 2746 Delaware comer Kenmore prOLSLKEEPER young for Jewish hornJ 3 adults good home and Carrel 732 Brisbane Bldgpi OUSEKEEPER for 3 adults middle ax aged lady preferred Call AM 2765 I OLSEKEEPER full or part time for AJ business couple with 1 child of school ge Elmwood erry section Write VUK coat $178 sue 18 cost $400 Uk a new UN 8613 JpCR coats tremendaus savings terms Ti desired Sidney Mursten 51 Richmond culture a fine thorough trninlnt nt Iw rates la offered by lcknwnna Beauty Scliool tuition onlv an1 evening classes branch of Roberts Beauty School Write phone or visit I aekawunna Beauty School 2719 South Park Ave TR 3250 1EAUTY culture! above Ml beauty schools Ber Wyn rankes highest your future success depends on the training you receive: Ber Wyn offers you the finest in struction for the lowest tuition why not start training immediately for a profit able position as a hair stylist beauty salon owner ma ke tM) artist etc vou owe caf write or better still il 'he Bpaut School 730 Main st MA 4321 asJt for our new illustrated free oonklnt TJEAUTY culture Marincllo system day classii International Academy 232 Delawre Ave WA 5914 TEAUTY culture Acknowledged leader t3ie Roberts School of Beauty Culture maintains its excellent reputation by offering thorough trninin easy to 1 ram practical met hois we have larger floor Kpace and larger experienced teaching staff than any other beauty school in Buffalo and Western New York ask your hairdresser: training available for returned veterans under I Bill No 346 lovely booklet free on request: If vou live 19 Pr Rochester ask for Booklet Visit Roberts School nt Beauty Culture 609 Main St WA 6705 LRLS prepare now for a profitable A and interesting career learn a full rourse in dressmaking and tailoring Zeamer Sewing School GA 8745 TANUAIIY classes now forming send blank und free Illustrated booklet Roberts School of Beauty Culture K'lO Main St WA 6765 ALVV AV call CL highest prices paid for used furniture washing ma chines refrigerators radios If no answer call GRant 995 SERVEL gas refrigerator water cooled reasonable AM 3452 STUDIO couch and chair roll away bed Call MA 0523 atier 5 TpxPERl beauty operator wanted with 1 2 at least 5 experience UN 1888 CJOOD wages own room and bath onlyreliable person need apply cook and light housework personal interview only children 20 Clarendon Pl TTATURE motherly woman needed to care VC for household and motherless chil dren salary $25 weekly permanent work Write 66 New office MIDDLE agev woman to" stay In take caie of rooming house Inquire 40 East Eagle MIDDLE aged woman for light house work and attend convalescent hours 10 A to 7 references LI 8658 EAT and capable girl or woman for as housework in the Vilage of Orchard Park good salary and home for right per son references required Mrs Arthur Wies ner 59Thorne Ave OPPORTUNITY for housewife to earn $1 per hour during spare time Write age and address to 15 News office JJl UQM AX saleslady attractive proposition for one walling to work salary commission in re piy state experience etc Write 44 News office EXPERT ENCED girl general housework live in 3 in family lovely private rom and bath good wages: block from Highland bus 175 Deerhurst DE 2656 1 EXPERIENCED operators for jewelry box work 795 Woodlawn Ave IXPERIENCED waitress for full time AJ work Apply Quaker Bonnett Elmwood and Bryant no phone calls IAUNDRESS a tion 2746 ALNDRY press operators experienced steady employment good salary no Saturday or Sunday work Apply at our iew convenient location Oak and Divi tin rontier Linen Supply cook middle aged Paul Erne AV Grill 1341 Genesee St HU 9543 for 2 children attractive coun try home Lake Shore Rd good sal ary: references Phone collect Derby 2811 rURSES $1550 per year prac tical nurses or nurse attendants $1250 per vear 1th full maintenance Applyuperlntendert of nurses at Adam Memorial Hospital Perrysburg ZJICE girl wanted typing and hook 27 Max reedman 117 William wanted WA 1544 jiTAN wanted to take care ot kitchen Wonder Bar 390 Pearl IfAN for permanent position for retail liquor store must be dependable give particulars and references Vvrite 74 News office TTOMAN age 40 as permanent relief worker substituting for cooks (pre paring meals for 30) assistants waitress housekeepers seamstresses or others on vacation or sick leave State Agricultural fe Industrial School Industry yTTOMAN vicinity Michtga'High light duties part time GR 9451 MACHINISTS experienced in setting up and operating Bullard vertical turret lathes horizontal boring mills vertical bor ing mills also floor molders with dry or green sand experience: employment office A to 5 Saturday to Worthington Pump Machin ery Corporation Clinton St and Roberts Ave A fAINTENANCE man exjierlenced? steady work Morgan Linen Supply Inc 325 Louisiana St MAN about 50 years old to run eleva tor downtown office building Cali LI 2816 4iJAN young to assist on dairy farm Al Elmer Yager Buffalo Hill Varys burg MAN for janitor work Apply manager Roxy Theater evenings MAN handy care ot small apt place in exchange for rent free apt DE 4929 MAN to run elevator nights Apply Hotel Worth 200 Main MAN wanted to do porter work In tav ern 8 A 12 noon See Mr Bush Chesterfield Grill 42 East Eagle ITAPLE fireplace wood and AA for sale Call Java 2469 or write Bush Arcade JROMPT delivery oil peii coke! rePSr 'z?" Phooe IIU 1923 Abbott Coal Coke Co I work 3 128 Bailey at Highgate "ETANDYMAN who wants to work in a JA steady job around apartment house or office building Apply at once to red floor HO Pearl St "IIANDYMAN Apply Stratford "Arms AX Hotel 25 West Utica Homefurnishings artist furniture and smallwares retail experience re quired state salary all details first let samples Wm Taylor Son Co Euclid Ave Cleveland Ohio IARPrNTER contractor remodeling apartments stores repair fire dam age reasonable LI 5031 work!" modern kitchen cup boaids arches remodeling nioderniz ing tor highest quality work call GR 7431 (CARPENTRY remodeling kTtcnen cuTk txxirds arches Call GA 2255 1JARKERIZING equipment complete with motorized valves tanks etc can be used fo other plating work: bargains Vxi inke A Manufacturing Co 100 Leroy Ave OAW electric Black Decker hand type ir blade bargain See Mr inke A Manufacturing Co 100 Leroy Air I LI CITY garden tractors with snowJ plows and other attachments Eaton Brothers Corp 23 Lake St Hamburg 1019 uel A NTHRACITE tgg pea buck and in 24 ln seasoned cord wood im mediate delivery Sahlen's Sudden Service Main AAI 3415 aPttr 6 'V'XGIIT watchman to work 6 nights AV steady work must have car refer ences Write Box 35 Kenmore "VTIGHT watchman wanted Apply Holmes Machinery Co 59 Chicago TARTS manager thoroughly experienced preferably Chrysler products excellent opportunity state experience all other in formation if presently emploved and salary expected Write 63 News office PHARMACIST good references UN 9880 PHARMACIST wanted good opportunity Drugs 127 Grant PHARMACIST full time good salary GR 9791 JHARMACJST wanted If you are inter csted in a real golden opportunity to insure your future write to 41 News office all replies confident! al TAESKS 2 office tables 2 drawing board Amber Weaving Service 559 Main upstairs TJUALd Office urniture Ex desks chairs cabinets Kardex etc bought sold cxctongid 106 Purl WA 5654 USED" new office furniture supplies! Lockwood's Ellicott Squq cre CI 2778 urniture Wanted Horses Stock Vehicles rxOWS and heifers we sell cows over 'yritory and repeat orders con mce us that wc have a lot of customers come and see us about good ermsY we deliver Bragg noith of HoUey Route 104phonc 568 Sutters sleighs wagons rides Mary (jvaIe Ecach Cheektowaga LI 5495 HU Hay "baled timothy ton WA 7897 Ochard Park 303 EW and used western saddles martingales English saddles dirt clwip cash or credit Lewis 47 Allen St black team harness brass trimmed buy from maker $73 set Manila Harness Shop Manilla East Aurora 971 rt IIDING horses $50 up cash or credit '21 Henry St downtown Buffalo 1 Guernsey bull 445! r5RAIC manager local company doing 1 an interstate business requires the services of a young experienced traffic manager knowledge of both rail and truck shipment necessary good opportunity for the right man Write stating age educa tion experience and other pertinent in formation also salary expected to 51 News office inTRUckDRIVERS meat cxiMreience heip ful not necessary steady work no layoffs The Central Carting Co Inc GOO Niagara rontier ood Terminal experienced Tones 4 Son 386 Seneca SL UPHOLSTERER 1st class to do sam ple work exceptional opportunity for energetic man possessing idc'as and thor ough knowledge of trade Write 44 News office 7AITER experienced Apply In person Havana Casino 343 Goodell St VyTAITER experienced steady position Apply after 6 2913 Bailey Ave WELDERS wanted Oldman Boiler Works Inc 32 Illinois St Buffalo 7ELDER for job shop work must be capable of doing heavy brazing Hcbc ler Welder Co 1005 Jefferson rTIIRE worker wanted steady full time gwplgiioeiit Apply 2222 Elmwood ZtlASS A armature winder Kobcitson Electric Construction Co 326 South Elmwood Ave JLDEHLY man to assist In light janitTir work firing boiler part of time etc Apply Andrews Bldg 35 Court St RoomUib INlhRlOR decorating have your home redecorated now wait till the Spring rush: paperhanging painting floor sanding and refinishing and small carpenter repairs immediate service expert wmk manship all Danat 325 Millicent zlvt? ilbb INTERIOR and exterior painting quality 1 Crittsinger EL 0893 rVTASIIING machine branu new Thor now on display large capacity also ironcr at DPA prices Motor Tire Elec tele Lo 823 Main 9U0 Broadway WRINGER rolls recreped 25c vacuum crushes rebristled 242 Broadway 1 TER holiday sale wonderful buys in JX bedroom living room and dinette breakfast sets living room taoles chairs and lamps at sacrifice for cash good bed ding samples being closed out at half price studio couches and folding beds stoves and linoleum 692 Miclil gan Ave open Thursday evening A TTENTION home furnishers" If you JX are looking for good turniture at lo ver prices see the Omel urniture Co 191 west Mohawk St open Monday Thurs day and Saturday evenings A L'CTION Tuesday 11 A complete home ot modern furnishings on Lan caster Ave details here Monday Howard Davis Auctioneer GR 8110 TJEAUTIUL well made desks knee hole $2950 up liberal terms Kobler Miller 320 Genesee QTENOGRAPHElC typing and shorthand 5100 month rite 4 News office I JIIENOGRAPHER secretary must be ex perienced steady position good pay Apply in person 9 to 5 Mr McGuInn Na tional Cylinder Gas Co 340 Seneca St legal s25 SImson Em i payment 132 Oxford STENOGRAPHER" for order department! good at figures under 30 years $30week downtown Welton Bureau 308 Wal bridge Bldg jTENOGRAPHER for secretarial and oth er work must be capable oppor tunity for right girl Write stating qualifl i to 53 News office "IZrOUSz KEEPER live in or go home JX evenings Call WO 1709 between 7 9 Housekeeper in North Collins i in family Call GR 9945 i NTERVIEWER to call on housewives no selling full or part time or appolnt ment call UP OTOc KITCHEN help wanted Apply at Nec tar's 613 Main St I coat and suit operator on sevv Ing machine Krasner 932 Broadway for checkroom and counter work! Bowling Academy 1810 Niagara St 6 ADY with experience on fountain and A sandwich bar evening hours good py pleasant air conditioned store Love's 161 Main St apply 1119 Main St 11 wanted aermanwit noci TAzsl oii'i ve AAkaaasaAg Wf uvr ngiimore Buff alo Evening News riday January 4 1946 All DDlE AGED man for tavern work must be good porter also help on bar must bo clean anil well recommended gooc pay Chris Sorensen 423 ox SL no phone calls ATI ONAL organization has opening in Buffalo headquarters for alert and energetic college graduate between 25 years of age: experience must Include work ing knowledge of office forms procedures systems and equipment veterans with the necessary qualifications will be given pref erence this is a permanent job with oppor tunity for advancement Write fully stat ing age education experience and" salary 52 News office available for draftsman and toolmakers Williams Co 400 Vulcan Si opjMirtunlty with national or ganlzation for a young man with good education free to travel in New York State bookkeeping or accounting experi ence necessary salary and expenses Please write giving all pertinent facts tn 38 News office V7 A ED immed 1 a tely 10 ushers? full lime work Apply Victoria heater after 6P Operators for hair pin ma climes no experience necessary Smith Victory orp 2969 Main St OUNG man to assist in parts dept and drive light delivery truck See Joe 1 araiantier Don Chevrolet 2585 Main st for counter clerk in food store must be experienced clean cut and well recommended 451 Klmwocxl Ave TOUNG man for billiard attendant See Halin Bu ffalo Athle 1 1c Cl brOUNG man single with knowiedgeo? typing shorthand to assist owner of opportunity to Korn WritC 4 mp for salcs department with large well known oiRanization no experience earnings permanent i opportunity outside ork Apply Rogers Studio Court St reed sun porch furniture tm 1 wvioiuimi xJitius jy Parkwood Kenmore RI 1653 I PHULSTERED furniture cleaned 2 pc" 'J suite $1495 Cail CL 3775 Luxury urniture Studio 40 Pearl St engineer must be man with engineering degree full time permanent employment Apply George Laub Sons Tanners 3051 Clinton St be tween 9 11 A or telephone tor appoint mrnt A ETA I men experienced In work in newly equipped shop: good working conditions top wages Wassman Bros Dodge Plymouth Agency 1530 Orchard Park Rd TR 3497 jll'ETAL polishers! experienced light work steel aluminum and die cat pipes also buffers for copper chrome etc Write It 11 9 News office jLIOTOR men and armature wanted experienced 1511 Niagara StMIGHT cleaners wanted "midnight to 7 A Apply Mr Seager personnel manager Hotel Statler employes a ncc DINING room suite and odd pieces also clothes GR 2782 DINING room suite walnut round ta" blc $2l eye maple bed and dresser $20 vita ray sunlamp lawn mower garden hose and other garuen tools 237 Parkwood Ave Kenmore DINING room suite 9 picce walnut like new double bed complete vanity floor model radio 202 Baynes DRESSER solid mahogany! reasonable 10 1 1 loh St near Ge esee IpURNITURE unclaimed from storage Wn rehouse 508 Washington ICEBOXES used $1995 liberal allowance towaid electric refrigerators available Motor Tire A Electric Co 823 Main 900 IlKimlwiy ITCHES living room arxl bTxTroom turniture lixiii Elmwood GA 9174 KITCHEN cabinet with extension por toP Busti A 6414 table white porcelain top and 3 cliaiis red and white kitchen oil cloth floor lamp curtains shades and olsWql 1 10 I tVING room suites rc covered and re built like new Nemmer urniture Store 475 Genesee St Al wool fleece overcoat 42 slim 5739 "MORGE kitchen stove chrome trim Gen era I Electric washer parlor suite American Oriental rug etc excellent con dltlon 460 Rhode Island LI 8106 rugs of thV finest quality in various sizes and colors at exception ally low studio prices: worth your while to investigate Clayton Meyer Oriental rug studio 82 Tilllnghast Pl open evenings A I ba com Ina i'onT" large console radio built in bar $40 5 pleee solid rock mapie bridge set leatherette seats and moving UN 7556 AD1OS floor or table models! Open A 10 AM to 30 PM 75 Northland Ave Refrigerator otter aii steei iceboxes S2995 S3995 when electric refrigera tors are available we will accept back tn trade your icebox purchase allowing liber ally Motor Tire Electric Co 823 Main jERIGEliATORS 1946 Generat Eire tries on display 7 cu ft $151511 place your orders now Motor lire Electric Co 823 Main SOYAL Wilton rug 9x12 taupe 10x16 limners 35x27 cheap GA 5008 UGS carpets pay cash and save" many A large sized rugs 9x12 kitchen rugs 399 Sutwrior Rnp fn XMS TTrsc WA 3272 rilE makers wanted by Spaulding ibre XJ Co 310 Wheeler St' Tonawanda DISHWASHER for main dlnlrig room! Apply Deaconess Hospital 563 Riley DISHWASHER wanted nights Anchor Bar 1047 Main TJRATSMEN structural steel detaiiers eT experience Bethlehem Stcvl Cit Bet hlehem Pa 1 LA PTS heavy machinery design X' Apply stating experience Bethlehem Steel Company Bethlehem Pa TARUG clerk part or full time expert xz enced Drug Store 1538 Gene see St X1NGINEER with 2d class papers to take JJ care of 1 stoker fired boiler also 1 hand fired boiler 4 Hour Cleaners Laun dry 3181 Jef ferson JANITOR for theater experienced on low pressure furnace 1371 Main St No 1 office at JANITOR part time Apply Avre coat ana dress oiierator on sew XJ ing machines Apply 932 Broadway INOTY PE operators with first class ability and experience in small news papers good pay permanent positions ex panding newspaper advancement certain tor able men Dally News of the Tona wandas Cull Mr Hewitt Tona 910 or 141a (home) JELLING out odd pieces at cut prices at 156 East erry: junior dining room set walnut $4950: porcelain and mapie breakfast sets single 4 post bed and mattress like new: wme cabinet Duncan Phyfe extension table odd chests and dressers combination and heating stoves junior size beds: 2 floors filled come here anil make an offer SI LEN I opportunity solid cherry twin bedroom suite excellent stvle and fin ish complete with new Super Sealy spring filled mattresses and box springs After noons and evenings Colie 325 Jersey St VALNUT carved brocatelle sofa anil lounge chair twin brocatelle regency chairs end tables Iler table lamps pic tures 9x12 Chinese rug bedroom set 628 Art 11 between 3 and 8 VVALNUT dining suite 8 piece $50! Oliver Hamburg phone Hamburg 803 ArOUR mattresses box springs pillows renovated like new or samples and prices call City Mattress Co 315 Broad vvay WA 6030 4 dining room suite I bedroom suite ra dio and day bed 15S Leroy Ave UN 63 4 0 A NT1QUES we buy ait objects china ax jewelry glass silver dolls furniture Allen Antiques 34 Alien St LI U939 A NT1QUES al! art objects old "farniTv a silver jewelry diamonds onze brie a bnic rugs etc appraisals nude free of charge u6 West Chippewa CL 6485 RI NTIQUES etc hlgn prl SEAMSTRESS experienced on power ma chine Apply Buffalo Linen 460 i JJeavan near illmore ETA RIAL assistant to purchasing agent experienced speed accuracy es sendaL permanent excellent salary Write complete details 35 News office 10 take shorthand wPfrienced $23 535 week elion Bureau 308 Walbridge Bldg SECRETARY assistant to office man ager experience must include book stt: shorthand and filing rapabie of handling all office details considered weeK Bixby Empiov ment Service 125 Allen St t0 executive in an Indus triaI Plant permanent position for ca pable young lady who can take shorthandnd J15? Ldiphone equipment state age yet ails education past experience a 1 88 Write 62 News office I tjEUKE I ARY wanted steady position good hours state age experience andalary expected Write 67 Neu office maehlne operator wltn experl eice Apply sweater department Rug by Knitting Mills 3021 Main St LJEWING machine operators experiencedJ for clothing and pants good pav Cresbury Clothes 9 Ellicott JJSWING machine operators needed employment Apply Niagara Apparel Co inc 77 Swan St tHIRT operator experienced only Ir hour 4 Hour Cleaners jJ avnclN 3185 Jefferson a 9 ii kind in nk lk CL 6491 over Mde runes 1 'I 73 UuiD'iiniz ruxfc wuugm tingerer's will pay high Prices for used Chinese and Oriental rugs in good condition all sizes Call CL 5JO Ext 258 VVOMEN second shift only factory work MA 3335 for appointment VVOMEN wanted for kitchen housekeep Ing bus elevator and waitress work rpPy Seager personnel manager Hotel Statler entrance BOYS to deliver The Buffalo Evening News in the vicinity of North and Elmwood to Linwood to erry Sts Buffalo Evening News City Circulation Depart ment telephone WA 4000 USBOY wanted Club 31 31 Johnson Bark corner Elmwood BUSBOYS experienced over 18 Apply Pagoda 621 Main St after JU A TJUYER wanted for and fur nlshings department in an active de partment store in Western New York cater ing in medium and better grade merchan dise al: applications treated confidentially Write 22 News office pANDYMAKEk! experienced steady VJ work Write stating age and experl ence to 54 News office CARPENTER wanted must be experi enced steady job permanent Apply Dollar Dry Cleaning Co 797 Seneca SL CLERK for counter work in food store must be expeieinced clean cut and well recommended 451 Elm wood Ave C3OA3 wanted also men wanted as helpers to coatmakers good wages steady work Apply William IT Lyons Co inc 303 109 Morgan Bldg COMMISSION salesman for plaster fabrL cator to contact wholesale trade on cus tom fabrication Please write giving age and previous experience to 61 News office urniture orjSale A NTIQUES cherry tabu set lit chcock sX chairs curly maple bed chair lamps decorated Tole glass china Long Antiques 447 Oakwood Ave East Aurora IE'AUTYREST box springs! immediate delivery: 3 fbsjr display of new furni 195 Seneca JgED and dresser tor sale AM 2393 1JED complete with innersprings dresser practically new $65 403 Connecticut fct upper real BED $10 Hollywood $33 dining room table and 6 chairs $30 409 Utica coil spring and dresser ra diant heater $5: Odin table top stove 830 GR 0798 IJKD metal good condition like new I OST Serviceman's watch valued askcrp of Hotel Sutler and Mohawk St reward Martin Pilot 77 Luke Hood lawn Os I 2 rings! washroom Grey hound bus terminal Main Sl DechUu rewaro Djcki 42 Griffith bt elland Ont Black male Kerry blue terrierJ from 408 Ashland GA 4175 I Hydraulic jack Dee 21 Orlando off railCy: rc" ard Write 56 News I Bulova wrist watch Satur riay reward So rystal TR 688t 1 OST identification braceletJ downtoivn section initials Esther Zgoda reward 32 Goodear Ave I In Elmwood brown leather wallet containing license car registra tion and other valuable papers Write oO Aewi oftice OST BlackJ fender Buie i rasi I and white coiiic in vicmty of Elmwood and Pullman answers to Laddie reward IS Pullman Ae Ken more RI 6810 TENOGRAPHEr for general office routn experienced $35 per week rite 38 News office CTENOGRAPHER and clerk experienced 115 chemical laboratory of local feed mid knowledge of chemistry desirable 30 Pm' 10 bct'vecn 8 A I RICAI wiring repairs licensed Li J1 'S' a ns Sima Elei tric CL 3826 INGINEEH ut ciass licensed general tetuince 1st or 2d shift DE 3512 L1ARMHAND wants work young singleexpeniiKra Write 48z News ipLOORS Inul hi rioGrTTfin: 1 llrw CadLowmin 4778 LMlKil'tS laid sanded a lileaclieil coate1 DE 5279 LmJRNACE repairs alftjjes gutters repairs DE 4030 EMIHAI concrete "lirlck and piaate' 7 1: Gianfrancekchl Inwood Pl I ED wotnan desires day SiOO and car fare CL 2533 lL I OKEb maids day workers Smith! WA 1715 Jady wunts daywork Call CL 1 EXPERIENCED colored lady wants night AJ cleaning MA 0816 1 cleaning woman at $5 3o50 a day Agency GRant 4940 1RL desires typing to do 2131 between 9 ADY with license desires po sition driving light delivery station passenger rar references Write 1 Aews office 1 ADY miilille ageif! wants position "as in motherless home a good home small wage Phone WO 3020 I iPTE iad desires housework by day in private home LI 4994 1 AOW ok cooking lrstution wiite Bakbr 196 orest Ave 7OUNG woman wants care of invalid or part time work CI 2601 TMMEDIATE disposal ot double bed sets twin beds living room suite stove and refrigerator UN 0827 5 Crestwood TMMEDIATE delivery new model Tappan gas range delivered and connected' terms Colie 325 A rsey St JAMESTOWN sample furniture distribu tor Louis Qmcl Bailey EAVING town 9 piece dining room suite mahogany 86 illmore CL L899 OVELY 3 piece Victorian living room AJ suit newly upholstered 6000 APIE 1 used MODERN style bed box spring and coll mattress like new S35 Apply 10 T2 Sycamore St 3kfOVlNG next week contents of 5 room Ifinl 3 months old sold seperately Whibnsh A ve 6275 A)HE WAR living room suites sofa bedsA bedroom suites nt a big saving urniture 1476 South Park 121 Ridge Rd Lackawanna: TR 8277 ONE 7 ft Kcivinator electric refrigera tor Sllvertonc floor model new: Inghouso electric stove curlv maple bed room suite Jenny Lind mahogany bed and dresser spring and mattress large round mirror antioue mahogany round table 1 mahogany Governor Winthrop desk desk Royal tvjicvvriter radiant heater 39 Tre mont Kenmore side upper TJOCK maple cocktail table large ward A robe trunk drop leaf kitchen table and chairs white Wcstinghduse mixer AM 6398 TTOSTESoES experienced over 18 Ap i Pagoda 621 Main SL afterU A 31 TT OUSE KEEPER for light household' du 1 chJld: llve ln good 1YENTAL assistant receptionist Wrlle 8 70 JARA CTICAL nurse anytime CL iu 15 (STENOGRAPHER would like position in' vicinity of Delaware Ae 21 vears' experience DE 303u l3PnS etc! at homa kJ DE Silo 3427 JIYPING lo do at home TR 5974! VV A 1 1 1 a ironing by first class 1 takc home must be de liveiml 2290 Genesee in rear AAN take management of high class i have large bachelor diffr to dlaw feotn been in present po wrife Jor information write 61 News ice dny and Sunday St lower 1 ear I jisTiNTrnVE nVffi5STfGHiit A lamps mirrors hanging plates plaques pictures love scat chair 639 Parks kle Ate at Hertel RE household furnishings all in All lovely condition Including living room dining room bed room kitchen etc in spection riday and Saturdav 573 East Amherst phone UN 3771 I3INE living room pieces datenport wing chair drop leaf table cocktail tabic love seat lounge chair floor lamps throw rugs bric a brac odd bed and dresser must be seen to be appreciated reasonable RI 5136 after 6 EREEN frieze hand carved walnut dav xA enport like new 2 upholstered chairs 1 occasional chair PA 6348 TOST 7 Billfold containing bankbooks UN 74 Minnesota Ave I Package of blue yard good tn as basement Jan 3 WO 0638 I Hlonde cocker spaniel! ferriaXvv' ard Belmont Kenmore DE 3265 1 DST 1 ca ra la mund ring Ln Square netting sapphire In each Mibs Gladys DE 4000 initial JXT Help Wanted Male A DVERTISERS with canvassing experi ence to introduce a fast selling Item to the housewife we have a proposition to beat all others we have a guarantee and a bonus plan to offer Apply at 265 Grider ADVERTISING salesman The Buffalo Union Leader official CIO wecklv newspaper has opening for experienced ad vertising man with car salary and com mission See Mr Lydon Room 43 52 Chippewa St WA 3861 Company is conducting a class during evening hours for the training of young ladies in automatic telegraphy for positions at out of town offices Apply Mr Lew is 830 Rand Bldg 9 A to M1TANTED Housekeeper working adults! city references required Address 7 33 News office yOUNG girl or woman for kitchen helper A friendly and pleasant surroundings op portunity for advancement Apply Quaker Bonnett Elmwood and Bryant no phone calls yOUNG lady for bookkeeping and gen oral office work Laube Cafeteria Pearl and Eagle yOUNG lady for art department mcr chandislng experience necessary Write 3 1 News office XOUNG lady refined energetic to wait on tables and assist with setup in small neighborhood restaurant: excellent surroundings experience not necessary: good pay with meaia Write stating age education nationality address and phone number to 57 News office yOUNG woman for light housework! steady employment references re quired GR 8424 YOUNG woman to assist cook In restau rant kitchen hours 10:30 A to $2 no Sundays or holidays Hau Broadway no phone cails yOUNG woman to work in offset prlnt A Ing plant must have experience Austin Press 2126 South Park Ave yOUNG or middle aged woman for gen era! housework and occasional care cf children no cooking: lovely home: friendly working conditions live in salary $75 per month AM 6106 DUNG woman private secretary ate A 'nographer and general office work Letter should state age weight and expert employment record wages expected Write 74 News office sirls over 21 years wanted for soda and candy counter Al co Candy 3105 Bailey Ave Instruction TJANJO guitar mandolin uke lesson A A Joe Delane 106 rench HU 5734 TJIANO accordion guitar violin experi A enced teacher TA 1083 90 Courtland ATIOLIN and piano lessons by experl enced well known local artist 2S9 Lex ington Ave Lt 2889 say I "can't dance learn quickly Itolnla's Main WA 9069 i the future with confidence train a for success with ICS home study spare time plan new and revised courses or toy 445 ilfmtt kn ti ei Dliv EARN Spanish quicklyJ private LI 2S00 58 e'JIL or gas heater wanted also table A top stove any size needed badlv I will pay you more WA 692 1 Si TO ES wanted gas ranges oil limiters gas heaters also any kind of furniture wash machines etc: pay cash mwnediate 11 pick up immediately Phone GR 6296 epABLE top apt stove living room suite! A now condition LI 4259 mornings rpABLE top style gas ranges "A gas or oil iicnlcis and furniture UA I I Machinery A arc welders in electric drillsx rapid battery chargers sptfev guns trtHHecHate deiiverie Bender Co Allen A arc welders I In electric rapid battery chargers spray gun easy sanders: immediate deliveries Ben ter Co 2 Allen 1R compressors portable sanders elec (X trie drills welding and cutting equip mentand supplies: term arranged Dun Go 775 Seneca St CL 3585 A outfits i electric tools Mill Supply Ht compressors fast battery chargers AX paint spray equipment motor aralyz eleclrK! welder?) and grease oufpment credit tci msirranged Angert Auto Parts and Sereca I ATTEKY chargers fast axd How! snow plows lor cars and trucks 1s Ur's5 Equipment Co 9 I I i I ALO gc I in drill press rioor model countershaft dx ie Arthur Burry 832 WHUum St MA 2117 sltriI press "Delta 2 also nwJ Itotcicx tapping attachment with ex ra screws bargain See Mr inke A Manufacturing Co 100 Leroy Ave TIOBART arc welders welding and" cut i ting equipment Welding Supply Center XlETAL lathe Craftsman master de and attachments 12 ln saving Hire new Apt 110 400 Elmwood Ave riday between 6 lu only A TETAL1ZING worn machine parts Met a lizin't Co 367 Ellicott CL 3826 MOTORS bought sold repaired and in Stalled Simon Electric 367 Ellicott PARKERIZING with motorizi Lost and ound I LACK female setter lost Kensington AJ section PA 5251 46 Thornton I LOND toy cocker spaniel lost in East Amherst vicinity of Transit Valley golf course 850 reward DE 9944 or Sprure Acres Paradise and Mucgel Rds East A mherst ROWN leather wallet lost on Ellicott Jan 2 Please return toJ0 Ellicott reward SOCKER spaniel "puppy taffy color male lost vicinity Kimberly McKinley Ikwy reward pet TR 4138 29 klmoerly OLD Gotham boxvknot lapel watch lost yy Delaware Delavan section Call KL O9)6 JJEDROOM suite 3 piccc walnut $10U fireplaces $20 comfortable chairs wing back style $35 odd davenports' studio couches $49 Louis Omel 1245 Bailey Ave £DS tables chair 25 cycle washing A machine KI 4284 J)OX springs mattresses close out floor AJ samples to Jou A Wunder Mattress Co 86 Jeff CRIB and child's chest of drawers In quire after 5:30 at 80 Theodore St upstairs woodrose clean A good condition $25 24 Linden Ave near Starin evenings 6 to 9 DAVENPORT and chair good condition ciieap GA 8513 DINING room suite for "sale exquisite Spanish oak table 6 chairs and hand carved chest Vanllall Apt 1 UW Dclavrai eAve DINING room 9 piece round table good condition Write 58 News office YTEAVERS if you can weave burns tears or moth holes we have positions or you needles furnished Applv Royal Veavirg Co 232 Delaware Ave 2rl for part time work! mut be able to wash and iron 5 day week rta until 7 72 Commonwealth "IX7OMAN for cleaning school building! 4 hours per day 60c per hour Apply Elsdell High SchooL TR 1914 IJLANT engineer automotive chemical A and st eel plant experience WO 5181 1 LAST 1 1st class repairs reason able Galbo Bros 92 Whitney Pl CL 1305 or WA 6562 lALASriililNG Ist dass repairing A prompt a tiention estimates RI 6578 IJLASTERING first class repairs rea sonable Pound 151 Blaine LI 0813 A AN'S wallet lot containing money 7 papers de Return to A Hca tli 1160 Main reward I JEKSIAN female caL black! toil! a Men Ave: rewan i LAID change purse wffhMji and change A lost Monday vrnlng between Ashland mo Bryant and Holy Angels Clrjfrch re ward Dt 1 )JlN3 ER" bird dog lost: reward! CL 16 17 I URSE tan leather in Cheek to 1 Personal belongings re ward CL 5080 a blank! lost Dec 31 containing rotary glasses money etc return rontents libera! reward TA 3951 I EWARD for returning Associated Gas a Electric certificate which ws imct ne in October Vai Konefal RI 111 1 1 JIIINESTONE wrist watch lost night between 9 10 vicinity cf Delaware Ave rode on Colvin bus keep sake from sqhker reward GA spaniel lost" black and iiiiite with shni cars black saddle he namc lepper reward IT 1 a (juality fur coat now save money AJ Kaplan 528 Brisbane Bldg urs tremendous savings Julie a I ur Salon 15 Court St open evening TpOR SALE Black Persian lamb coat in A condition reasonable Call at 353 Elmwood Ave Apt 4 between 7 9 coats slightly used at low price Warnick Clothing 310 William St Male InstructedI EN Beauty culture "haTTETny reen of all ages training fop 5Pturnei veterans under I Bin 346 send for free new booklet todav Beauty Culture 609 a UlVUmire Attention ue available under 1 Bill industry offers unlimited opportunities tor men of all ages why nt start training immediately for a profitable position as a hair stylist beauty salon owner make up artist etc all informa tion given absolutely tree Just write or call tor a free illustrated catalogue or 4ALAD and sandwich girl wanted nights Anchor Bar 7047 Alain CJALAD woman 8 to 4 5 day week Appiy Thursday and riday mornings cafeteria State Teachers College OALE5LADY for coats! good waySleady Krasner 932 Broad splendid opportunity to make $75 a week and more depending upon your ability full or part time plea See AIis Marshall Suite Gu4 220 Delaware 9 12 SALESMAN canvasser with car for di rect homo selling leader in the build ing field stimulated by Government pro gram financed by local banks large deals Rusco 469 Delaware DALESMAN $35 a week guaranteed sal kJ ary and bonus must have New York Slate life insurance license Write 37 News office SALESMEN last week made $222! $100 $150 selling our services national organization with ad vertised product we will train you come in anti let us show you Suite 604 220 Delaware 9 1 SALESMEN fast selling product quick sales gX)d commissions $15 to $25 day Apply Roberts 208 Underhill Bldg SALESMEN or saleswomen canvassers book hosiery or men who have had house to house selling experience to sell finest religious merchandise car essential earnings good for $2 to $8 per hour Sfc Mr Kay United Utilities 924 Main St SALESMEN canvassers for direct sales to home owners financed by local banks through HA the best item of its kind on the market: these are permanent profit able connections for those who qualify with a guarantee while training only those with tile heart to solicit house to house nd apply Phone GA 0900 Ext 4 for ap pointment 'J BEEN leather hassock lost from curb on 82 Eastwood Pl LI 5751 New Eve gold kid evening AJ bag envelope atyi sentimental value to owner reward PA 5104 after 6 I OST Large hound dog brown and black white chest answers to Major Carlton WA 3212: reward BAGGERS permanent jobs for those willing to work endrick Laundry 1202 Jefferson JJARBER wanted 1109 Lovejoy SL BOILERA1AKERS and boilermaker hclp ers Oldman Boiler Works Inc 32 Illi nois St Buffalo TOOKKEEPER full charge $40 junior A accountant $30 Simson Employment 112 Oxford BOOKKEEPER accountant must have ex perience $40 to $45 Service '98 Bryant BOY to iidp on truck and in plant 8 Enst Oakwood AM 6210 BOYS to deliver Buffalo Evening News routes in Central Park section Phone or write Buffalo Evening News City Clr culation Department BOYS over 12 years ot age to deliver The Buffalo Evening News in the South Park Hamburg section Write er phone City Circulation Dept WA 4000 1 AINTING paperhsmging floora Puisheil 1st class reasonable LI $s72 veilings 1778 I AIN i'ING paiH riuinghi'g and Temodef mg business and residential GA 2422 I JAPERHANGING and painting reason" able: samples AM 4798 I APEHiIANGING neatly done work guaranteed samples CL 2687 I JAPEKHANGING general painting rea A sonable prices A work GA 6289 I JAPERHANGINC and general painting Ed Mclntee 153 Prospect WA 8797 IJAPERHANGING expert work quick service reason able cstim ales TA 1627 TXAPERHANG1NG and painting Expert workt sjimplrs AM 4540 A JAPERHANG1NG my specialty quick service latest samples TI 3032 1 A II ANG I and painting lefiabife Stevens Contracting PA 9334 AUTO mechanic good place to work high earnings special bonuses and benclits: waste your time applving if you're not a good mechanic See Ernie Maideray 1545 South Park Ave near Abbott Rd TR 2323 AUTO mechanics and collision men good pay Western Auto Service 724 Wash ington St WA 6060 AUTO mechanic and helper Cadillac Specialist 1095 West Delavan TJUGS carpet brondioren Unoleum Ni Xkagara Rug Carpet Co Inc 1487 Main St at Woodlawn Hammond manager: hours daily 9 to 5:30 AES brand new medium size Yale combination lock fireproof 2 in walls toj 859 95 Motor Tire 823 Main 900 Broadway auto radiator repair I man Chimera Radiator Mfg Co CL 2055 roofer helper wanted CL 1 EXPERIENCED automobile painter very good wages steady employment Root Torgler Inc 1253 Main St TEXPERIENCED baker Sec Mr Mc AJ Gowan Buffalo Athletic Club I EXPERIENCED meatcuttcr and counter man Phone between 8 to 6 Phone Alden 248L IIXPERT mechanic on gasoline and Diesel motors used on industrial equipment competent to take charge of servicing and shop repairs Telephone for apiwiintmcnt WA 8107 Ext 9 yV(GMAN or girl for dishwashing dean mg or general wok living in pre ferred nice friendly home good wages Jewish Old olks Home 310 NorUi LI 3725 7OMAN middle aged to assist in house work GR 4366 WOMAN for light housework in exchange for room and board GA 1736 YEOMEN for part time work hours at vour convenience pleasant healthful profitable work Write hours available and address to 18 News office.
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- Pages Available:
- 6,361,982
- Years Available:
- 1880-2024