Opera Vox (OST) - Testo delle canzoni: The Magic Flute (2024)

[Act 1, Scene 1]


Have mercy, have mercy, oh Heaven, protect me!

Have mercy, have mercy, oh, do not refuse!

A terrible nightmare, a monster pursues me!

Have mercy, I beg!

I cannot escape! I cannot escape!

Ah, rescue me, have mercy and protect me now!

Have mercy and protect me now!

[The Three Ladies:]

We hear your call, the monster dies!

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Behold your monster, there it lies!

The monster, there it lies!

The monster, there it lies!

The monster, there it lies!


Where am I? What is that noise? What on earth is this place?


I'm sure that there could never be

A more contented man than me,

I earn my living as I please,

I charm the birds from out the trees.

If only I could cast a spell

And catch a lovely girl as well,

I'd hold her close, the pretty thing,

And she would sleep beneath my wing.


Hey, who are you?


A man. Who are you?


A prince. What is this place called?


I couldn't tell you, I just live here.


What do you do?


I catch birds for her Highness, the Queen of Night, and her ladies give me food and drink in return.


The Queen of Night?


Why is he staring at me like that? I don't like it!


You rescued me from the serpent!


What serpent? Ugh! Is it dead?


How did you do it?


Simple really, strangled it. Agh!

[The Three Ladies:]



Ah, ladies, I have your birds!

[The Three Ladies:]

And we have this,

And this,

And this, that's for lying!

We freed you, young man, and we have good news: The Queen of Night sends you this portrait of her daughter, Pamina.

Our Queen has spoken: "If this prince is as brave as he is beautiful, then my daughter is as good as rescued!"


Huh! You mean...?

[The Three Ladies:]

Yes, kidnapped by an evil demon!


Tell me, where does this devil live?

[The Three Ladies:]

Close by, but heavily guarded.


Lead me there, Pamina must be rescued!

What was that?

[The Three Ladies:]

Our Queen is coming!

She's coming! She's coming!

[The Queen of Night:]

You, you,

You are chosen to defend her,

Soon you must hasten to her side!

Yes, soon you must hasten to her side!

And when you do release my daughter,

I give my word, she'll be your bride!

She'll be your briiiiide!

Ah(...)! Be your bride!

She'll be your bride! She'll be your bride!

[The Three Ladies:]

Oh, Prince, receive this gift I bear,

The Queen consigns it to your care.

Whatever dangers fate may send you,

This Magic Flute will now defend you!

For when it plays, it sings so sweetly

That evil ways are changed completely:

The man of vice will sin nomore

And hearts of ice begin to thaw!


Though it's sad to leave such beauties,

May I say farewell to you?

[The Three Ladies:]

No true man can shirk his duties,

And there's work for you to do.

To Sarastro we must send you,

Papageno will attend you.


Thank you very much, indeed

That's the last thing that I need,

For I've heard this evil priest

Is just as fierce as a beast!

[The Three Ladies:]

These Magic Bells we give to you.


To me? Let's have a look at them?

[The Three Ladies:]

They will protect you on your mission.


Can they be played without tuition?

[The Three Ladies:]

Of course they can, you foolish man!


Magic music, mystic powers

Will be yours(ours) when danger lowers!

Fare you well, we'll meet again!

So farewell, farewell till then!

So farewell, farewell till then!

[The Three Ladies, (Tamino and Papageno):]

We'll meet again!

(We'll meet again!)

We'll meet again!

(We'll meet again!)

[Act 1, Scene 2]


What place is this? Where can I be?

Aha! what's going on here? I dare to go and see.

A maiden, young and fair,

With skin so white and spotless!

[Papageno and Monostatos:]


It is...Beel-..zebub...himself!

It is...Beel-..zebub...himself!

Hoo! Hoo!

Hoo! Hoo!



Who are you?


I'm Papageno. This morning I was delivering birds to your mother as usual, when I met a prince called Tamino. Your mother gave him your picture and commanded him to rescue you. Well, he fell in love straight away, and I was dragged along to help.


Ah, if he loves me, where is he?


Good question! We got split up.


But you're in danger here. If Sarastro finds you...


I know, I'll get split up!

[Act 1 Scene 3]

[The Speaker:]

What great adventure brings you here

To dare profane our sanctuary?


I come in search of love and truth.

[The Speaker:]

If you seek the truth, be patient

And explain why you should hate Sarastro?


My reason is a woman's suff'ring

And ev'ry bitted tear she shed.

[The Speaker:]

Your heart is easily misled.

You'll learn women have their way,

When men believe in what they say.


Where is Pamina? Tell me now!

[The Speaker:]

I may not break my solemn vow.


Is there an end to all this darkness?

[The Speaker:]

When you are offered friendship's hand

And sworn into the holy band!


How soft, how strong your magic sound,

You sing, you sing so sweetly!

Your music echoes all around,

And savage nature is tamed completely!

Ah, that is Papageno's pipe!

Perhaps he knows where she might be,

Perhaps she's hurrying to me,

Perhaps, perhaps

He'll bring my love to me!

[Papageno and Pamina:]

Walk on tiptoe, not a sound

Till Tamino can be found.

We must not be seen till then,

Or they'll catch us and they'll lock us up again!

There's an end to care and worry,

We must hurry! We must hurry!

We must hurry! We must hurry!

We must hurry! We must hurry!


What's your hurry? What's your hurry?

What's your hurry?

Ah, poor little birds have flown!

Didn't take me long to find you,

I was never far behind!

I was never far behind you!


Very well! What the hell!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

[Monostatos and other Moors]

This music is ringing

With magic so strong!


I cannot stop smiling

And singing along!



We worship Sarastro, we answer his call!

Our Guardian, our Father, the Lord of us all!

Our Guardian, our Father, the Lord of us all!


Sir, I was disobedient,

I tried my best to run away.

But I am not alone to blame:

An evil man tried to molest me,

I would not stay to suffer shame.


Arise and fear nomore, my daughter.


Do not ignore a daughter's!

What of my mother?


Speak of her nomore!

A woman needs a man to guide her.

If she should stray without a man to show the way,

Then woe betide her.


Our Lord, Sarastro, will decide

How you'll be punished for your pride!

[Pamina and (Tamino:]

My love!

(My love!)

Can this be true?

(My love!)

My love!

(It's really you!)

Beloved, let me hold you fast,...

(Beloved, let me hold you fast,)


For this embrace may be our last!


Seventy lashes are your reward.


Enough, the law must be observed.


Now lead them to our sanctuary,

Their strength and courage must be tried.

Cover their heads and lead them on,

For now they must be purified!


With virtue and with righteousness

We will achieve our noble plan

To sanctify the state of man!...

[Act 2, Scene 1]


Oh my god!


Papageno, where do you think we are?


How am I supposed to know?


Strangers, why are you here?


I come in search of friendship and love.


Will untergo all our trials?


Ev'ry one.


Good. What about you? Are you prepared to fight for wisdom and truth?


Ah no, wisdom and truth aren't really my thing. I just want to meet the right girl.


If you are prepared to undergo our trials, even in the face, then Sarastro may have someone made for you in ev'ry way.


Made for me in ev'ry way? What's she called?




Papagena? Well, I would like to meet her. You know, just out of curiosity.


And so you will, but you must not talk to her. And you, prince, must obey the holy law of silence. You will see Pamina, but you may not talk to her. This will be the first of your trials.

[The Three Ladies:]

Why, why, why

Are you in this place of fear?

Fly, fly, fly,

You will die if you stay here!

You're doomed to death and to disaster,

And you will perish with your master!

We heard the truth about Sarastro,

You have been listening to lies!


A wise man follows his own way

And won't be swayed by what men!

[The Three Ladies:]

We heard the truth about Sarastro,

(We heard the truth about Sarastro,)

You have been listening to lies!

(You have been listening to lies!)

They say he'll drag you down to hell,

For he is the Devil in disguise!

He is the Devil in disguise!


If he's the Devil, bloody well,

That e should want to go to hell

Is no surprise!

But are they lying? Can you tell?


Blasphemers' stories, women's lie,

You'll not if you're wise.

[The Three Ladies:]

They keep their vow, we'll stay no longer!

[Tamino and Papageno:]

They don't know how to make us speak.

[The Three Ladies:]

We don't know how to make them speak.

[Tamino, Papageno and The Three Ladies:]

Your strength and courage will not yield

If you can your thoughts concealed.


Who dares to profane our seclusion?

These women bring death and confusion!

[The Three Ladies:]

Away! Away! Away!


Oh woe! Oh woe!

Oh no!


Now we must move to the second stage of your journey.


Why can't I have Papagena now without this other rubbish?


Come now.

[Act 2, Scene 2:]



[Queen of Night:]

Do you see this knife? Take it, kill him and bring the Sign of the Sun to me!


But mother...

[Queen of Night:]

Not a word!

Should you refuse, Refuse to kill Sarastro,

Refuse to kill Sarastro,

Then all your mother's love for you is dead!

Then all my love, all my love for you is dead!


Then all my love for, for you is dead!


Oh, sir!


I know this knife was intended for me.


Oh, sir, please don't punish my mother!


Before our holy altar

Revenge must hold no sway,

And if a man should falter,

We'll help him him on his way.

He will go forth from our embrace

To make our world a better place.

He will go forth from our embrace

To make our world a better place.

[Act 2, Scene 3]


Remember, remain silent. Fare you well.


Tamino, aren't you going to eat?


Tamino! Tamino?

Now I know that love can vanish,

Now I know that love brings pain.

I have loved and loved in vain.

Now I'm weeping,

Now I wish these could cease.

Now it's death will bring me peace,

Will bring me peace, will bring me peace!


Come along.


Ah, you can go. I need a drink!

Ah, that for me?

[Old Woman:]



Thank you!

How old are you?

[Old Woman:]



Have you got a boyfriend?

[Old Woman:]

Yes, he's called Papageno.



[Old Woman:]

And if you promise to be faithful, I will be your wife.



[Old Woman:]

Marry me, or stay locked in here with bread and water, and never see anyone ever again!


Ah, well, rather an old girl than no girl. Alright.

[Old Woman:]




Hah, Papagena!

Papagena, wait!

Ah, ahhhhhhhhh

[Act 2, Scene 3]


Play your magic music,

Bring my lover near!

Play your magic music,

Lead my sweetheart here!

My turtle dove,

Let her appear!













Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno!


Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno!


Will you stay with me forever?


Yes, I'll stay with you forever!


Now at last we will be together,


Two little lovebirds of one!

[Papageno and Papagena:]

Yes, now at last we'll be together!


First there's a little Papageno!


Then there's a little Papagena!


Then there's another Papageno!


Then there's another Papagena!

[Papageno, (Papagena):]

Papageno! (Papagena!)

Papageno! (Papagena)

[Papageno and Papagena:]

Papageno! Papageno!


There is no more that we can pray for,...


There is no more that we can pray for


Than lots of little

[Papageno and Papagena:]

Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno

No greater gift can God provide!

Papageno! Papageno!

Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno!

See their parents burst with pride!


Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno!


Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno!

[Papageno and Papagena:]

Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno!

Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno!

Pa-pa-pa-pa Papageno!


You still have two dangerous paths to tread.

If your heart still yearns for Pamina and you wish to lead the Brotherhood with her, the gods will remain with her.

Bring in Pamina.

[Tamino and Pamina:]

Behold, a glimpse of Heaven above,

The gods have blessed us with their love!

[Queen of Night, Monostatos, the Three Ladies:]

The forces of day have put us to flight,

Their power's condemned us to infinite night!


The banner of sunlight at last is unfurled,

Bring death to blasphemers and light to to the world!


Now beauty and wisdom have vanquished the night,

And crowned their endeavour glory and light!

Now beauty and wisdom, now beauty and wisdom

Have vanquished the night,

And crowned their endeavour with glory and light!

And crowned their endeavour with glory and light!

Opera Vox (OST) - Testo delle canzoni: The Magic Flute (2024)
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